Research Showcase
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My World GIS
Results 1 - 3 of 3 matches
Radiation Near You
Tom Kevin Jake
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ, Google Earth, My World GIS
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ, Google Earth, My World GIS
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster
Monarch Butterfly Migration 1995-2010
Shania Bryant, Karina Gonzalez, Jacki Nadrich, Julia Natoli
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: Google Earth, My World GIS
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster
Geospatial Technology Tool: Google Earth, My World GIS
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster
New insight into Houston air quality problem.
Nora Romero, Marycruz Ramirez, Jessica Rodriguez, Aljandro Perez, Salvador Tapia
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ArcGIS Online, ImageJ, GPS, Google Earth, My World GIS, AEJEE GIS, ArcGIS
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
Geospatial Technology Tool: ArcGIS Online, ImageJ, GPS, Google Earth, My World GIS, AEJEE GIS, ArcGIS
Presentation Type: PowerPoint