Research Showcase
Results 1 - 10 of 64 matches
Odiorne Point State Park: Jewel of the New Hampshire Seacoast
Stephanie Gaiero
Geospatial Technology Tool: ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, GPS, ImageJ
Presentation Type: Community Atlas
How has the drought in Australia affected the vegetation index for the Continent?
Tanya Talkar, Tiffany Nguyen
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
Cold Winters in Europe
Kyle Blandin, Enoch Yang
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
How does the Temperature of the Gulf Stream change over time?
Jessika King, Ashley Seal-Bonebrake
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
How has Global Warming affected the Arctic Ice Cap
Mariella Gonzales, Calvin Lee
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
Changes in April's Short Term Climate
Alex Chen, Raquelle Jeter, Sho Kitamura
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ, Google Earth
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster
Sea Surface Temperature in the Gulf of Mexico and its Impact on the Natural Inhabitants
Karen Huan, Blake Kuroiwa
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
How has the proportion of +2° Celsius global temperature anomalies compared to -2° Celsius global temperature anomalies changed from 1880 to 2009?
Miranda (Randi) Weltzin, Blair Woods
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
Deforestation Of the Rainforest
Erika Kurschner, Danni Aylward
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
Amazon Rainforest Deforestation from 2000 to 2010
Forrest Ling, Moiz Bharmal
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ, Other
Presentation Type: PowerPoint