Initial Publication Date: July 19, 2010

ImageJ Review Session Data

Download the following images for the ImageJ Review session

Basic Techniques and Density Calibration

Spatial Calibration -Setting a scale

  • Click the thumbnail below to open the full size image in a larger window. Then right-click (Win) or control-click (Mac) to choose file Save Image As...

  • Click the thumbnail below to open the full size image in a larger window. Then right-click (Win) or control-click (Mac) to choose file Save Image As...

Spatial Calibration - Landsat 5 TM - 1985


  • GLOVIS - USGS Global Visualization Data Portal (Portal for Aerial, Landsat, Modis, TerraLook, and other Earth remote sensing data. Not all data products are downloadable. Must set up a free "account." Popups must be enabled & Java 1.6 required) To download the original data, open the USGS Global Visualization Viewer window, choose Collections > Landsat Archive > Landsat 4 5 TM. Choose Path 41, Row 36, and use the Prev Scene and Next Scene buttons to find the July 3, 1985 scene. Click the Add button, then click the Download button. Repeat this process for the November 26, 2009 scene. Caution - these are LARGE images!
  • About Landsat 7 SLC off data