Initial Publication Date: January 17, 2023
EvaluateUR Timeline
View the sequence of steps in the EvaluateUR program
1) Getting Started
- Students are accepted into program
- Site Administratorcompletes Onboarding steps
- Students and Mentors attend Orientation Session run by Administrator
2) Pre-Research
- Students receive automated emails instructing them to set up account and complete the Pre-Research Reflection
- Mentors reviews students' reflection and complete feedback forms that go to the students
- Students and Mentors meet to discuss all outcome categories and components and together each student-mentor pair complete the Pre-Research Assessment
- A Score Report is available to each research pair recording the ratings submitted for each outcome component
3) Mid-Research
- Site Administrator receives automated reminder about upcoming deadline for completing a Mid-Research Assessment
- Site administrator checks with mentors to determine no delays in research encountered requiring them to adjust one or more 'student-mentor default dates'.
- Students and Mentors receive automated messages with instructions and link to complete the Mid-Research Assessment
- Students and Mentors each receive and review Score Report
- Students and Mentors meet to discuss the Score Report and reasons for assigning particular ratings
4) End of Research
- Site Administrator receives automated reminder about upcoming deadline for completing End-of-Research Assessment
- Site administrator checks with mentors to determine no delays in research encountered requiring them to adjust one or more 'student-mentor default dates'.
- Students and Mentors receive automated messages with instructions and link to complete the End-of-Research Assessment
- Students and Mentors each receive and review Score Report
- Students and Mentors meet to discuss the Score Report