Initial Publication Date: August 10, 2022

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Making Sure Automated EvaluateUR Email Gets Through

The EvaluateUR method relies on students, mentors and administrators receiving automated emails that prompt them through the process. We follow every available best practice to ensure that email servers don't interpret our emails as spam. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts some of these emails can end up incorrectly marked as 'junk mail'. In some cases our messages may be invisibly deleted by your local email system and never even show up in your 'junk' folder.

Both of these situations can increase the workload by the site administrator because when this happens, steps will not be completed on time and that often requires the site administrator to contact the student-mentor pair that is behind schedule to prompt them to complete a step.

To prevent this from happening, we strongly recommend you work with your institution's IT department to ensure that automated messages from EvaluateUR get through.

Ask your institution's IT department to avoid this problem on your campus

The best way to address the problem is to contact your local IT department and request that they explicitly indicate that email coming from from SERC (on behalf of EvaluateUR) should be allowed through. You will want to do this before you start using EvaluateUR with your students and mentors.

More information for your campus IT department

Here is an example message you can share with your campus IT organization explaining the issue and how they can help.

Encourage students and mentors to use their campus provided email accounts for EvaluateUR

The whitelisting process will only apply to email accounts run by your campus IT organization. So even if you've gone through this process there may still be issues if students or mentors use non-campus affiliated email accounts for EvaluateUR communication.

If a campus-wide solution is not possible add SERC to the list of senders that shouldn't be marked as spam

If the campus-wide solution can't be applied it's still possible for individuals to ensure their messages from EvaluateUR aren't marked as spam.  Note that each individual involved, every student and mentor, will need to follow this process within their own email account. Most email systems provide a mechanism where you can indicate specific email sources that should never be considered Junk Mail (Spam). The exact details vary depending on what program you read your email through and what email service you (or your institution) uses. Here are some examples for common email environments. Your local institution's tech support folks can also likely help you set this up. The key detail to know is that all SERC email will come from the domain. In most cases you can add this address to so-called 'whitelist'.

Microsoft Outlook and Office 365

Add to your safe senders and safe recipients lists


Create a filter for that prevents it from being marked as spam

For Other Email Environments