Climate and the Biosphere: Links and Resources by Lab
Initial Publication Date: July 5, 2011
General Resources
Climate and Forests
Lab 1: Climate, Weather, and Trees
Lab 1A
Lab 1B
Lab 1C
- Worldclimate
- Burlington VT climatograph page
- NOAA climate normals page
- Burlington VT
- National Weather Service Page
- Weather Underground Daily History for Burlington VT
Lab 1D
Lab 2: Climate and Earth's Energy Balance
Lab 2A
- NOAA Jetstream Water Cycle Poster
- Water Cycle Animation
- Water Cycle Article at NASA Earth Observatory
- NOAA Jetstream
Lab 2B
- Global Energy Balance - interactive
- NASA Earth Observatory Article - Energy Balance
- NWS Jetstream - The Earth-Atmosphere Energy Balance
Lab 2C
- How does the sun's energy get into the climate system? - video (
- A blanket around the Earth - article
- Greenhouse Gas Concentration vs Temperature - interactive
- Simple Climate Model - interactive
- Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect - interactive
- Greenhouse gases - article
- Piecing Together the Temperature Puzzle - movie
Lab 3: Climatology Basics
Lab 3A
- GEOS clouds - modeled
- Moving Heat - interactive
- Education Place Collection of Maps
- NWS Jetstream - article
- Jet Stream on Globe – wind map
Lab 3B
- United States: Climate
- Prism Climate Group
- Interactive air mass characteristics table
- Air masses and weather patterns
- Compare warm and cold fronts
- Exploring Earth Visualizations
- Global surface currents
- Climatography of the United States
Lab 3C
Lab 4: Climate Patterns and Life
Lab 4A
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- Blue Planet Biomes
- World
- NASA Mission: Biomes
Lab 4B
- Google Earth Homepage
- Google Earth User Guide
- What is Climatology?
- [link 'NASA Earth Observations (NEO)' new]
Lab 5: Extreme Weather Patterns
Lab 5A
- NOAA: State of the Climate 2012
- NOAA: State of the Climate Report
- Global Climate Dashboard
- NOAA News and Features: Extreme Events
- Drought Baking the Southern United States
- Tornado Outbreak
- Torrential Rains in Thailand
- Winter Temperatures Influenced by North Atlantic Oscillation, La Niña
- Another Wintry Winter for the Eastern U.S.
- Dry Winter in the Southwest
- A Hurricane in New England?
- Scientific American 2011 Wildest Year on Record
- Why Extremes Matter (Acrobat (PDF) 914kB Jun20 11)(PDF)
- PEW Extreme Weather Events Map
Lab 5B
- Why study climate change? - video (
- EPA Students Guide to Climate Change
- Climate Wizard - interactive model
- Climate Change: A warming world (PowerPoint 4.7MB Jun23 11)
- NOAA Climate Watch
- Climate Change: Global Temperature
- NASA Climate Time Machine - visualizations
- Climate Nexus
- National Climate Assessment - Indicators
Lab 5C
- Earth: the Operators Manual: Segment 1 - video
- Earth: the Operators Manual: Segment 4 - video
- Trends in Atmospheric CO2
- NCDC U.S. Cities Analysis
- NASA Finds 2012 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend - article
- NOAA: State of the Climate Report
Lab 5D
- Global Climate Change (KVCS)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Scenarios explained
- Climate Wizard
- Global Climate Change
- What is Climate Modeling? PowerPoint (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.3MB Jun20 11)
- Climate Modeling 101
Lab 6: Trees and Paleoclimate
Lab 6A
- Paleoclimate ( This site may be offline. )
- Climate Timeline
- Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.8MB Aug8 18) PowerPoint file.
Lab 6B
- Pollen Viewer—works best with Firefox browser
- Atlas of the United States
Lab 6C
Lab 7: Future of the Forest
Lab 7A
- NOAA Data Snapshots
- Climate Explorer
- Silva Culture Information – Maple Sugar tree
- U.S. Forest Service's Climate Change Atlas
- ArborDay
- Climate Change by Sector: Agriculture
- The New Climate Normals: Gardeners Expect Warmer Nights
- National Climate Assessment - Forest sector
Lab 7B
- Sugaring Wisconsin
- Maple Sap Flow interactive
- Seasons of Change
Lab 7C
- Seasons of Change: What can I do?
- Working trees
- Working Trees for Communities (Acrobat (PDF) 948kB Jun27 11)(PDF file)
- Working Trees for Carbon Solutions (Acrobat (PDF) 234kB Jun27 11)(PDF file)
- Tree Atlas
- Arbor Day tree selector
- Global Releaf
- Earth4u - interactive model
- Search for Environmental Resources by State