Part 2—Create Report and Compare Wetland Characteristics
Step 1 – Select Variables and Create Reports for Wetlands in Each Country
- You can generate a report about all the RAMSAR wetland sites in a country, or request a specific wetland by name. In our example, we'll look for a RAMSAR wetland in the countries of Mauritania and then Niger. To generate the report go to Ramsar Sites Information Service.
- From the main menu at the top, choose Database > Search for Sites. You can also click on Ramsar Sites Database.
- From the Country drop-down menu, choose Mauritania and then click Search
- The search results display with 4 results. Use Parc National du Banc D' Anguin for this example. Click the Summary description link in that row to read general information about this park.
- Return to the table of Mauritania's wetlands by clicking your browser's "back" button.
- Click the Site Overview link to examine the list of variables that you can include in a report about this park.
- Include the following selections to provide the data you need in your report. Click the check box before each of the following items:
- Coordinates of site center
- Total site area
- Total wetlands area
- Minimum elevation
- Maximum elevation
- Current land use
- Threats
- Salinity
- Permanence
- Soil type
- Wetland Category
- Wetland Type
- Biological Values
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Report Checked button.
- To save the report, choose File > Save As... in your browser. Another option for saving the report is to make and save a "screen-grab" of it.
- On a Windows system, press Alt and Printscreen at the same time to save the report window to the computer's clipboard. Open a new document in a word processing or picture application and choose Edit > Paste.
- On a Macintosh, press shift-command-4 (command key=apple key)and drag a box over the report window. This will save the image, in a file named Picture1.png, on your desktop.
- Repeat steps 1 - 4 for the country of Niger. From the list of sites, choose Lac Tchad (the same site from Part 1) and repeat steps 5 - 9 for the site.
Step 2 – Review Reports of Each Site
Compare each of the reports to enhance your knowledge of the wetland sites. Take a close look at the uses within the sites and the threats to the site and its surrounding area and consider the following questions:
- What is the significance of the biological species and diversity?
- How would the biological diversity change if the wetland were to diminish?
- What types of problems does human land use create for the wetland?
- Will an increasing human population have an impact on the area?
- Are natural resources in the area susceptible to over-extraction?
- What types of changes could occur with climate change?