Part 3—Calculate Summer Air Temperature Averages 2021-2040

Step 1 Calculate Summer Averages for 2021-2040

Calculate summer averages for each year, from 2021-2040. Repeat the instructions outlined in Part 2, Step 2 (numbered 1-7), replacing "1980_1999_20th_Century_Experiment" with "2021_2040_Scenario_A2".
if you had difficulty completing the steps above, download this completed file and place it in your NCAR climate change folder. Calculated Summer Averages for 2021-2040
tas_JJA_2021_2040_Scenario_A2_completed (Zip Archive 8.1MB Jan10 09)

Step 2 Calculate 20-year Average for 2021-2040

Calculate the 20-year average for 2021-2040. Follow the steps outlined in Part 2, Step 3, replacing "1980_1999_20th_Century_Experiment" with "2021_2040_Scenario_A2".