Step 1 Learn About Models and Open the isee Player
- If you have not worked with models before, you may want to take a moment to review these modeling concepts.
- Pool (also known as stock or reservoir): A pool is the storehouse or accumulation of material, such as carbon.
- Flux (also known as flow): The movement of material from one pool to another, per unit time. (Fluxes are often some kind of process, such as photosynthesis or evaporation.)
- Input: The flow of material entering a pool.
- Output: The flow of material leaving a pool.
- Turnover rate: The fraction of material in a pool that enters or leaves in a specified time interval. Turnover rate is the mathematical inverse of residence time.
- Residence time: The average length of time material spends in a given pool. Residence time depends on the rates of inflow and outflow and on the size of the pool. Residence time is the mathematical inverse of turnover rate.
- Steady state (also know as equilibrium): A condition in which the amount of material within the pool at any time remains the same. In other words, the rate of input equals the rate of output, causing the total pool size to remain unchanged through time.
- Learn more about the specifics of the Biomass Accumulation Model.
Components of the Biomass Accumulation Model
The biomass accumulation model focuses on the change in forest biomass and carbon storage over time.
Biomass is the total mass of living material usually measured over a particular area. Because all living things contain water (fresh weight) and the percentage of water can vary widely from species to species biomass is calculated as a dry weight. Dry weight is the mass of life that is left after all the water was removed, much like squeezing out a sponge. For plants, scientists use an oven to remove all the water from the plant material before weighing it to determine its biomass. Total biomass is found by summing the dry weight biomass of all individuals in a given land area and then reported by naming the area of concern, e.g. biomass per plot, ecosystem, biome, classroom. To be able to compare biomass in different locations scientists standardize biomass per unit of area. Typical units of biomass are grams per meter squared (g/m2), although you will also see kg/m2, lb/ft2, etc. It is best to use metric units, as this is most often the scientific standard of measurement.
Knowing an ecosystem's biomass is useful for many applications such as farming, logging, and wildlife management. Another helpful unit of measure in an ecosystem is how much carbon is stored.
Understanding how terrestrial ecosystems store and transfer carbon to and from the atmosphere is essential to understanding climate change, so biomass is often converted to carbon storage. But how do scientists know how much carbon is being stored? All life (biomass) is composed of carbon molecules, and as it turns, out plant matter is actually 45% carbon by dry weight. This means that once biomass has been calculated, it can be multiplied by 0.45 to achieve approximate carbon content.
All models are designed to compute specific outcomes based on a set of input and output fluxes and variables that drive or determine those fluxes. In this forest biomass model, foliar nitrogen determines wood growth through the basic process described above (more information is found in the model). Wood growth is the input flux that influences forest biomass directly.
The flux of material out of the biomass pool is woody litter, the dead leaves, broken branches, and fallen trunks that reduce a forest's biomass. The driver of woody litter in this model is turnover rate. Turnover rate varies widely for different vegetation types, but is relatively consistent among major forest types in the US. While specific turnover rates have not been provided you should feel free to do additional research to find a suitable turnover rate for your area.
- Launch the isee PLAYER application, select File > Open, and navigate to the file Biomass_Accumulation2.7.STM. When the model opens, the Welcome page appears.
- Click the Read About this Model button. This will walk you through an explanation of the model step by step. You can return to the Welcome page by using the little arrow in the upper left, or you can hit the space bar to continue through more background information.
- You will need to use your NH_FIA_data2.xls file to run the model. If necessary, launch Excel and open your file that was saved in Part 3.
Step 2 Run the Biomass Accumulation Model (Biomass Accumulation2.7.STM)
Using the isee Player, you will run the Model for each of the 14 Forest Types (White-red-jack pine, Spruce-fir, etc.) in your
NH_FIA_data2.xls file. For
each model that you run, you will need to record data for five different time periods. This data will be recorded back into your
NH_FIA_data2.xls file.
- Click the Model Inputs button on the Welcome page. A new page is displayed, describing the two variables used to run the model. The dials on the left are used to set the Foliar Nitrogen value and the Wood Turnover rate. These values will open to a default of 2.0.
- To run the first model, set the Foliar Nitrogen value for the first forest type in the Carbon Scenario Template. (In this case, the input value is 1.0 for the White-red-jack pine). Enter 1.0 into the input box above the Foliar Nitrogen dial.
- Click the Go to Model button. This takes you to the Run Model and View Results page.
- Click the Change Model Run Time (years) button and set the length of the simulation to 250.
- Click the Press to Run Model button. The model will run and display different values graphically and in a table. In the graph, the values for Wood Carbon will appear as line number 5, and be colored brown. You can read the Wood Carbon values for specific years by clicking the graph line with your cursor and then moving along the line until the Years below the x-axis display 50. A gray, vertical dashed line will display and move along with your cursor.
The Wood Carbon value is displayed at the top of the graph and also to the right in the table. Enter the value for Wood Carbon into the first green cell (STELLA predicted gC/m^2 (year 50) in NH_FIA_data2.xls. Move your cursor until the Years beneath the axis is 80. Enter the new Wood Carbon value into the second green cell. Continue and record the values for years 100, 150, and 250.
- Repeat steps 2 - 5 above to make a model run for each of the forest types in the Carbon Scenario Template.
- Save the table data from one of your model runs by clicking in the center of the table. Select Save as Text from the right click drop-down menu (or control-click on a Mac). Check Append File Extension and make sure the extension shows as ".TXT." Name the table and specify a place to put it (e.g. Desktop). This table will be used to answer a question in Step 3 below.
Step 3 Check Your Understanding of the Model Output
Use the model and see what happens when you vary the foliar nitrogen concentration, turnover rate, or harvest. Answer the following questions. Remember you can use the sliders, dials, graphs, table, model diagram or equation tabs to help you. Start by running the model with all default values: Foliar Nitrogen = 2.0, WoodTurnover = 2.0, HarvestYear & HarvestIntensity = 0 . Set the Model Run Time to 500 years.
Note: If you get a message indicating that equilibrium has been reached, you need to click
Press to Run Model to complete your run. The graphical lines will extend out 500 years, but will remain flat.
Answer the following questions:
- In year 100, what is the value of each of the y-axis variables (e.g., woodbiomass, woodlitter)?
17,520 WoodLitter
350 BiomassIncrement
54 WoodGrowth
404 WoodCarbon
- Using the table, in what year does WoodBiomass reach 20,000.00 g/m2?
In year 228. In year 229 biomass has already exceeded 20,000.00 g/m2.
- Using the dotted line function on the graph, identify the y-axis variable that decreases to zero and the year when this first occurs?
BiomassIncrement. This variable reaches zero in year 326.
- Using the graph or table, in what year does WoodLitter equal the same number as WoodGrowth? What term do we use to explain this situation?
In year 326, WoodLitter(output) = WoodGrowth(input). When inputs equal outputs we call this steady state or equilibrium.
- Describe the relationship between 2 variables that follow a similar trend.
WoodBiomass and WoodCarbon show a similar trend over time. WoodCarbon is always less than WoodBiomass.
CHALLENGE: Using the model, write the simple mathematical equation that explains this relationship. Indicate how you came to this conclusion.
WoodBiomass*0.45 = WoodCarbon
Ways to derive the relationship
- Went back to the story or class notes to find out what percent of biomass is made of carbon.
- Scrolled to the equations tab to find the relationship written into the model.
- Picked a year on the graph and divided the WoodCarbon value by the WoodBiomass value.
- Using the table you saved in Step 2, number 7, did that model run reach equilibrium?
No, in the year 250, Biomass Increment in this table has not reached 0.
Step 4 Compare the FIA data to the Model Output
In the student worksheet, compare total FIA Carbon Storage (orange cell on the bottom left) to Model Carbon Storage (5 runs with totals in the orange cells on the bottom right)
Does the model computed carbon storage make sense with the approximate forest age and the FIA value for 1997? For New Hampshire, the FIA measurements show total forest carbon to be about 131 MMTC. The model shows NH total forest carbon to be about 100 MMTC after 50 years, 126 MMTC after 80, 137 MMTC after 100 years, 150 MMTC after 150 years, and 157 MMTC after 250 years. This is about right since the height of land in agriculture was 1850, and land has returned to trees since that time.
You can find the completed Excel file in the Teaching Notes.
The model computes carbon storage in grams per meter squared units, but the FIA data reports carbon storage in Million metric tons. This conversion is done for you in the worksheet. But you can look at the conversion if you wish.
Converting gC/m2 to Million Metric Tons of Carbon (MMTC):
In the template Excel file, when you fill in the green columns with the model run result, the white columns will update with the MMTC units.
The model automatically calculates this so FIA State Carbon Values can be compared to model output values. However, you may want students to do one example so they see how the numbers are being calculated.
Acres * 4046m^2/acre * gC/m^2 * kgC/1000gC * MTC/1000kgC * MMTC/1x10^6 MTC = MMTC
Using the amount of forested land area, model output results in gC/m2, and conversion ratios to calculate the total amount of above-ground carbon storage in forests of New Hampshire.