Part 6—Explore Climate Change Impacts on Another Region

Step 1 Observe Regions Affected by Global Temperature Anomaly

The anomaly maps from the EdGCM reveal that some regions of the world may experience a greater temperature anomaly, and/or a greater loss of ice and snow cover, than others, including regions in which students completing this exercise may reside. The map grid cells overlying these regions provide the actual data for comparison. In this part of the exercise students will choose to analyze the data from the grid cells nearest the region in which their city resides, as well as from another region of the world to which they can compare their "home" data.

regions map for grid cells
Regions of interest are highlighted on this map. See instructions below on how to download a larger, printable version of the map.

Global regions for comparison are outlined below. The IPCC has identified countries and regions with the greatest risk of impact from climate change. These impacts are not always due just to temperature, so it will be necessary to make the connection between temperature and other results of climate change, allowing students to speculate on how each country or region may be impacted and why some countries or regions may have greater concerns than others regarding projected climate change data.

When deciding on a region, think in terms of impacts to:

  • the environment – loss of biodiversity, loss of habitat, changes to ecosystem components
  • economic activities – primary sector (such as agriculture, mining, forestry), secondary sector (such as construction or manufacturing), and tertiary sector (recreation and tourism, retail, financial)
  • human populations – such as increased incidence of diseases or natural hazards, migration and resettlement, or cultural adaptations to a changing environment (clothing, housing, food, etc.)

Step 2 Choose a Grid Cell for your "Home Region"

Download the regions map (Acrobat (PDF) 369kB Aug19 09) like the one pictured above on the right.
Choose a "grid cell" from your region of interest.
Note the latitude and longitude of the highlighted area on the map. Use these numbers when zooming into your region of interest with EdGCM.

Step 3 Choose a Region of Interest and Impact from the list below

I. Europe: particularly Western and Southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands), and the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland) II. Russian Region: particularly Siberian Russia
III. East Asia: particularly China
IV. South Asia: particularly India and Bangladesh
V. Southeast Asia: Impacts are not as discernible in this region
VI. South Pacific and Oceania: particularly Australia
VII. North Africa and Middle East: particularly northern African nations (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt)
VIII. Sub-Saharan Africa: particularly countries in two sub-regions (probably best to look at the entire sub-region rather than the individual nations)
IX. Latin America: particularly Ecuador, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina
X. North America: particularly eastern US, northern Canada, Greenland

Step 4 Use EdGCM and EVA to Investigate Further

Choose another region and the climate change impact of your choice. Present your findings to the class. Why is climate change a truly global problem?
As a class discuss this issue and compare your findings to that in the IPCC impacts report.