The Committee on Physics in Two Year Colleges (CPTYC) is charged by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT (more info) ) to:
- Provide a common meeting ground and opportunities for communications for two-year college teachers of physics and astronomy.
- Explore topics of professional concern to two-year college teachers, including the framework of conditions and extra-classroom activities that affect the teacher and educational process.
- Cooperate with the High School and Professional Concerns Committees on professional topics of mutual concern.
- Cooperate with the Undergraduate Education Committee on courses and curricula and on matters related to articulation for students transferring between institutions.
- Make recommendations, through the Review Board and Executive Board, to the AAPT Council and membership, for activities that would be helpful to physics education and physics teachers.
National Two-Year College Physics meeting in tandem with the AAPT summer meeting. Includes sessions, workshops, crackerbarrels, and breakfasts.
Listservs, blogs and wikis
- Listserv at AAPT
- Blog on issues of interest to physics faculty in two-year college
- Wiki restricted to members. Content includes simulations, TYC community, videos, forum.
Two-Year College New Faculty Experience . A 14-month experience designed specifically for two-year physic faculty in their first five years of teaching. Designed to equip faculty with knowledge of active learning techniques. Led by experiences two-year college physics instructors.TYC 21 was a national network of two year college physics teachers to improve physics education through shared information and programs. Sponsored by AAPT and funded by NSF. See White Paper.
TYC Physics Workshops features several workshops a year on teaching strategies for Introductory Physics. Sponsored and funded by Lee College, Estrella Mountain Community College, and NSF.
Strategic Programs for Innovations in Undergraduate Physics at Two-Year Colleges (SPIN-UP/TYC) is a project to find exemplary physics programs at two-year colleges from which a large number of minorities and women enter science, technology, engineering or math programs at a four-year college or university. SPIN-UP/TYC also is documenting programs that encourage students to elect teacher preparation programs at four-year colleges or universities. See report by National Task Force on Undergraduate Physics. Also available as a printed, bound booklet in limited quantities; to order a free copy, contact
The Physics Enhancement Program for Two Year College Faculty started in May 1991 with a group of 24 Texas faculty members. As the project evolved over the next eleven years, the participants later came from the Southwest part of the country and eventually from all over the US. The goals of the project are to provide modern physics content seminars and innovative pedagogical approaches to teaching introductory physics.
Physics in Two-year Colleges and the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) (PowerPoint 2007 Jun25 10) - Warren Hein (Executive Director of American Association of Physics Teachers)Isolation Study a unique investigation of the needs of community college faculty isolated in small departments.
Physics at the Community College by Thomas L. O'Kuma.
Promoting Incremental Research-based Instructional Innovation by David P. Maloney.
Guidelines for Two-Year College Physics ProgramsOfficial AAPT guidelines for TYC Physics Programs.