Initial Publication Date: October 9, 2018


Project Leader: Kathy Ellins

Program Description

GeoFORCE is a weeklong field learning summer program for high school students administered by Jackson School of Geosciences that aims to increase the number and diversity of future geoscientists so that they may address the most pressing challenges of the 21st century—energy, water, climate mitigation, and geohazards. The program is sponsored by a consortium of industry partners. Students remain in the program during their four years of high school and each summer go on field trips throughout the United States. Taught by university faculty, research scientists, area educators and mentored by professional geologists from the industry partners, the trips engage and empower the students by exposing them to places and experiences different from their home and school environment. At the conclusion of their fourth year in the program students have (a) an increased awareness of the importance of geoscience knowledge and the role that geoscientists play in addressing geoscience-related issues; and (b) view the geosciences as a viable career path.

Program Assets

GeoFORCE/STEMForce can serve as a model for a similar program in Oklahoma. The Jackson School of Geosciences could be involved initially to help set up the program, transferring leadership entirely to the EarthConnections regional alliance within two years as was done with GeoFORCE Alaska.

Program Operations

Cohorts from (1) SW Texas, (2) Houston, Texas, (3) Dallas-Austin, Texas, (4) Alaska, and (5) Bahamas