Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015
Program Assessment Planning Documents
Prior to the 2009 workshop on Assessing Geoscience Programs: Theory and Practice, we asked workshop participants to share information about how their department designs and plans its program assessment efforts. The assessment plans and other documents they contributed are below. We also have collections of Mission or Vision Statements and Student Learning Goals or Learning Outcomes statements. If you would like to add to any of these collections, please use the vision, goals, and plans upload form.
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Institutional Guidelines for Reviews
- Carleton College Guidelines for Departmental and Program Reviews (Acrobat (PDF) 31kB Feb9 09)
- Excerpts from the Wheaton College Academic Department Self-Study Procedures Manual (Microsoft Word 39kB Feb12 09)
- Winona State University Institutional Regulation on Program Review (Acrobat (PDF) 65kB Feb12 09)
Assessment Plans
- Carleton Geology Department Draft Assessment Plan (Acrobat (PDF) 99kB Feb4 09)
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania's evolving Assessment Plans:
- Preliminary Assessment Plan (2004-05) (Microsoft Word 31kB Feb5 09)
- Finalized Assessment Plan (2005-06) (Microsoft Word 33kB Feb5 09)
- Detailed Assessment Plan (2007) (Microsoft Word 58kB Feb5 09)
- Concise Assessment Plan (2008) (Microsoft Word 36kB Feb5 09)
- C.W. Post College of Long Island University Earth and Environmental Science Department Assessment Plan (Acrobat (PDF) 95kB Feb12 09)
- University of New Mexico Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Program Assessment Plans:
- Assessment Plan, BS, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Microsoft Word 72kB Feb16 09)
- Assessment Plan, BS, Environmental Sciences (Microsoft Word 71kB Feb16 09)
- Assessment Plan, MS, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Microsoft Word 71kB Feb16 09)
- Assessment Plan, PhD, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Microsoft Word 70kB Feb16 09)
- Murray State University Environmental Geology Program Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 33kB Feb12 09)
- North Dakota State University Geosciences Draft Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 67kB Feb12 09)
- West Chester University Geology and Astronomy Department Assessment Plans:
- Assessment Plan for B.S.Ed. Earth & Space Science (Microsoft Word 547kB Feb12 09)
- Draft Assessment Plan for B.S. in Geoscience (Microsoft Word 51kB Feb12 09)
- Assessment Plan for General Education Courses (Microsoft Word 37kB Feb12 09)
- Boise State University Department of Geosciences Assessment Plans:
- Assessment Plan, BS in Geoscience (Microsoft Word 39kB Feb12 09)
- Assessment Plan, BS in Geophysics (Microsoft Word 40kB Feb12 09)
- Assessment Plan, BS in Earth Science Education (Microsoft Word 39kB Feb12 09)
- Slippery Rock Environmental Geoscience Program Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 91kB Feb12 09) and the associated Degree Coherence Matrix (Microsoft Word 67kB Feb12 09) (the college's annual reporting instrument)
- Wheaton Geology Assessment Plan (Acrobat (PDF) 56kB Feb19 09)
- Rice University Earth Science Learning Outcomes and Assessment Plans (Acrobat (PDF) 2.2MB Feb20 09)
- CSU-Fullerton Student Learning Assessment Plan (Acrobat (PDF) 95kB Jul14 09)
Other Assessment Documents
- Iowa State University Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Letter to External Reviewers (Microsoft Word 23kB Feb3 09)
- Miami University Department of Geology Self-Study Report, 2003 (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Feb9 09)
- Humboldt State Geology 2004 Self-Assessment Program Review (Microsoft Word 1005kB Feb12 09)
- Humboldt State Geology 2007 Assessment of One Learning Outcome (Acrobat (PDF) 205kB Mar4 09), with supporting data and resulting action plan
- CSU-Bakersfield Geology Programs Assessment, (Microsoft Word 1.1MB Feb12 09) from the most recent 5-year review
- Measures Under Consideration for University of Dayton Geology Department Assessment Plan (Microsoft Word 120kB Mar4 09)
- CSU-Fullerton SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats) Analysis (Acrobat (PDF) 91kB Jul14 09) from their 2005 Geological Sciences Departmental Self-Study