Water Resourses Management, Central State University
Program Design & Assessment
The Water Resources Management degree program is housed in the International Center for Water Resources Management along with three other geoscience programs: Environmental Engineering, Geography, and Geology. Initiated in 1987, the Center and the degree program seek to prepared students to solve Ohio water issues as well as those of emerging countries, particularly those in Africa. The original program was started with State funding and the curriculum was developed by a set of external agencies including the USGS, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, and the Ohio State University.
Strengths of this program
- The Water Resources Management program was the first interdisciplinary water resources programs in the country and is still the only one at an HBCU, recognizing the connections between biology, hydrology, geology, policy, and planning. This gives students broad preparation across the full width of water resource content.
- This program has a strong remote sensing and GIS component to prepare students to use these skills in their careers.
- Students in this program have access to high-quality facilities and instrumentation for their study and research.
Types of students served
CSU is a Historically Black University and serves a student body that is around 95% African-American with most of the remainder being Caucasian. The students in the International Center for Water Resources Management reflect these demographics.Program Goals
The goals of this program are as follows:
The objective of the program is to provide students with educational skills and background necessary for water resources management career positions in private industry, government, and nongovernmental organizations.
How program goals are assessed
Several of the programs in the Center have external advisory groups that help ensure that the program is preparing students with skills that will make them highly employable upon graduation. The advisory group for Water Resources Management is currently being reconstituted.
Alumni Careers
Graduation rate
Between all four majors in the Institute, there are approximately 5 graduates per year. Data are not available on the Water Resources Management degree program by itself.
Careers pursued by our alumni
Students are prepared to resource management, public works management, and environmental economics among other careers.
Courses and Sequencing
Diagram of course sequencing and requirements