published Jan 25, 2022 4:19am

CURE course research

Yale's STEM Program Evaluation and Research Lab is conducting an NSF-funded study on the impact of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) on student interest development. We are looking for instructors who are teaching a CURE course this Spring 2022 and are interested in contributing to this research by allowing us to survey their students.

The study asks that students complete 5-minute survey every 2 weeks for 12 total weeks (6 total surveys). Each time a student completes a 5-minute survey, they will receive a $10 Amazon gift card. At the end of the course, we will review the number of times they have completed a survey and issue a single gift card containing their earnings (e.g., if a student fills out 4 of the 6 surveys, they will receive a $40 Amazon gift card at the end of the course). We can also review their data with them if they are interested.

If you are interested, could you please send us an email list of the students enrolled in your CURE course? Then, it would be greatly appreciated if you could encourage their participation and potential to contribute to STEM education research.

I'm happy to explain more/answer any questions over email or Zoom. If you're not teaching a CURE this spring but know colleagues who may be interested in contributing to our research, please connect them to me at