Join the CUREnet Community

Attend an Institute

If there is an Institute planned for your area, apply to participate. Check the listing of planned Institutes for more information.

Contribute to the CURE Collection

The CURE Collection is a community resource. If you have a CURE that you use, you can contribute it to the collection using the CURE contribute form.

Social Media

Twitter: You can follow CUREnet on Twitter. (@CUREnet1)

Facebook: There is a group on Facebook where you can interact with others working to Add Research to a Class. The goal for this group is to be a place to solicit advice and discussion, share resources, and talk about your experiences teaching CUREs.

Sign up for CUREnet Emails

If you want to receive announcements from CUREnet about upcoming Institutes, newly available CURE descriptions, and other relevant news, complete this short form.