Publication: Metabarcoding CURE at University of Detroit Mercy
The publication citation is below:Baker SS, Alhassan MS, Asenov KZ, Choi JJ, Craig GE, Dastidar ZA, Karim SJ, Sheardy EE, Sloulin SZ, Aggarwal N, Al-Habib ZM, Camaj V, Cleminte DD, Hamady MH, Jaafar M, Jones ML, Khan ZM, Khoshaba ES, Khoshaba R, Ko SS, Mashrah AT, Patel PA, Rajab R, Tandon S. 2021. Students in a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience course discovered dramatic changes in the bacterial community composition between summer and winter lake samples. Front. Microbiol. 12:579325. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.579325.