Contemplation to Action: Role of Strategic Question Asking
This page authored by Marie Eaton, Fairhaven College, Western Washington University, based the following works:
Peavey, Fran. (2002) "Strategic Questioning: An approach to Creating Personal and Social Change." In Context: A Quarterly for Humane Sustainable Culture.
York-Barr, Jennifer, William A. Sommers, Gail S. Ghere, Jo Montie, (2001) Reflective Practice to Improve Schools: Action Guide for Educators. Corwin Press, CA: Thousand Oaks.
Discussions of sustainability issues often include an examination of complex issues with many competing perspectives. This essay offers some reflective and contemplative activities related to strategic questioning that may help students engage conflicting multiple perspectives and inter-related systems as they try to imagine possible solutions.
From Contemplation to Action (Microsoft Word 52kB Jan8 19)