Activity Collection
Bioregion Discipline
- Anthropology 2 matches
- Biology 1 match
- Business/Management 1 match
- Chemistry 4 matches
- Communication 2 matches
- Economics 1 match
- Education 2 matches
- English 1 match
- Environmental Studies 12 matches
- Geography 4 matches
- History 2 matches
- Indigenous Studies 1 match
- Interdisciplinary Studies 6 matches
- Mathematics 1 match
- Oceanography/Marine Studies 2 matches
- Philosophy 4 matches
- Political Science/Policy 4 matches
- Psychology 3 matches
- Religious Studies 1 match
- Sociology 3 matches
- Other 3 matches
Bioregion Scale Show all
18 matchesBioregion Topical Vocabulary Show all
Climate Change
18 matchesResults 11 - 18 of 18 matches
Climate Justice and Health Impacts of Methane (so-called Natural Gas) in General or Introductory Chemistry
Heather Price, Seattle Community College-North Campus
In this activity, students explore the chemical forms of methane (CH4), learn about the various sources and uses of methane, and gain knowledge of human health impacts and the disproportionate impact of extraction pollution on poor and racialized communities. They also connect the social justice impacts of methane to methane chemistry and exercises in the classroom.
Bioregion Scale: Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Cultures & Religions, Human Health & Wellbeing, Energy, Pollution & Waste, Climate Change, Climate Justice
Engaging Campus Conversations about Climate Action
Nicky Phear, The University of Montana-Missoula
Campus Climate Conversations are designed to be both educational and "deliberative," meaning students, staff, and faculty interact with one another in small groups to share views and ideas about climate action strategies. This activity is structured to enhance education and engagement, and to generate collaborative climate action strategies.
Bioregion Scale: Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Change, Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Sustainability Concepts & Practices
Research Project on Pollutants in Sacrifice Zones for Chemistry Courses: The Role of Industry, Governments, Local Communities, and Scientists
Mandana Ehsanipour
Students learn about "Sacrifice Zones" in the United States, where neighboring communities are exposed to disproportionately high concentrations of toxic air pollutants, with a focus on petrochemicals. They learn about the health effects, as well as how communities impacted by the petrochemical industry can effect change and how scientists can act as allies. Students research a sacrifice zone and present it to the class, then post what they learned on social media.
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed, Campus, Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Change, Climate Justice
We're Screwed!
Michael C. Kalton, University of Washington
This course is designed to address the interlocked problems of unwillingness to confront the dimensions of the environmental crisis and the feelings of helplessness and despair that often accompany perceiving the gravity of the situation.
Bioregion Scale: Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice, Lifestyles & Consumption, Climate Change, Social & Environmental Justice, Ecosystem Health, Ethics & Values, Sustainability Concepts & Practices
Motivation and Influence in Taking Climate Action
Melissa Grinley, Seattle Community College-North Campus
In this two-part activity, students learn the psychology of motivation and goal-setting, and apply it to an action plan for civic engagement that addresses food insecurity caused by climate change impacts. They carry out a civic action that addresses a climate justice issue, and reflect on how motivation supports their action and how social influence and persuasion connect to their experience of taking action.
Bioregion Scale: Campus, Regional, Home/Backyard
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Justice, Climate Change
Estimating Greenhouse Gas Offsets as Part of Shoreline Community College's Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Charles Dodd, Shoreline Community College
This is a service-learning project for students in Geography 204 (Weather, Climate and Ecosystems). Students will assess prior estimates of carbon offsets associated with plant and soil biomass on their college campus; and as a result, they will understand the complexity of measuring the complex sources of carbon emissions and offsets; address the challenges of coordinating data collection and field measurement; and realize importance of estimation in public policy contexts.
Bioregion Scale: Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Ecosystem Health, Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Climate Change
Transitioning to Renewable Fuels: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Grady Blacken, Bellevue Community College
Students are guided through research project design and implementation based on biodiesel production and usage. Handouts and basic protocols guide students through the project providing boundaries for time considerations and chemical usage while giving students enough freedom to explore their chosen independent and dependent variables.
Bioregion Scale: Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Change, Climate Justice, Energy
A Workshop to Inspire Effective Climate Action through a Just Transition Framework
Derek Hoshiko
A workshop to inspire effective climate action through a Just Transition framework. The workshop uses a presentation and a group activity to guide participants through collaborating on effective solutions with a higher impact.
Bioregion Scale: Regional, Campus, Home/Backyard, Local Community/Watershed, Global, National/Continental
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Change