Activity Collection

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Environmental Studies

Results 41 - 50 of 100 matches

Cascade Citizens Wildlife Monitoring Project
Thomas W. Murphy, Edmonds Community College
This multi-term assignment introduces students to local indigenous stories, significant plants and animals of our region and some basic skills in reading animal tracks and signs.

Bioregion Discipline: Biology, Environmental Studies, Anthropology
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Social & Environmental Justice, Ecosystem Health

Delocalized Diets: Globalization, Food, and Culture
Mary L. Russell, Pierce College
This assignment addresses cultural sustainability by asking students to go beyond distinguishing between five subsistence strategies to examining the impact of globalization on diet and culture.

Bioregion Discipline: Anthropology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Environmental Studies
Bioregion Scale: Global, Local Community/Watershed, Regional, National/Continental
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Human Health & Wellbeing, Lifestyles & Consumption, Social & Environmental Justice, Food Systems & Agriculture

Using Google Earth Layers to Understand Local Geomorphology
Ralph Hitz, Tacoma Community College; Peter Selkin, University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
Using Google Earth to understand how geomorphology may control shallow groundwater flooding and surface hydrology.

Bioregion Discipline: Geoscience, Environmental Studies
Bioregion Scale: Regional, Local Community/Watershed
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Design & Planning, Water & Watersheds

Critical Thinking on Sustainable Food Production and Consumer Habits
Michael Faucette, Seattle Central Community College
Students are assigned to research, write, take a position and present it on the complex issue of sustainable food production and consumer habits.

Bioregion Discipline: English, Environmental Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies
Bioregion Scale: National/Continental, Regional, Global
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Social & Environmental Justice, Lifestyles & Consumption, Food Systems & Agriculture

Alternative Deicers: An Application of Freezing Point Depression
Jennie Mayer and Daniel Mitchell, Bellevue Community College
Road deicers raise several environmental and cost concerns. In this activity students consider alternatives while investigating colligative properties.

Bioregion Discipline: Environmental Studies, Chemistry
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed, Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Human Impact & Footprint, Social & Environmental Justice

Interviewing the Past: Developing a Sense of Place through Oral Histories
Bob Abel, Olympic College
Local changes in climate, flora, fauna, and the human population can be anecdotally explored through interviews with long time locals.

Bioregion Discipline: English, Geography, Environmental Studies
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Sense of Place, Cultures & Religions

Using Metaphors to Advance and Assess Learning
Carmen Werder
Use metaphor frames throughout a course to help students both learn various concepts and to assess how they are understanding them.

Bioregion Discipline: Sociology, Anthropology, Other, Environmental Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Communication
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed, National/Continental, Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice

Evidence for Climate Change and Empowering Students to Action
Kaatje van der Hoeven Kraft, Whatcom Community College
This activity provides an opportunity for students to examine the evidence that supports climate change and engage in a classroom discussion and self-reflection on that experience and empower them to consider their own actions and how they can make changes in their life practices

Bioregion Discipline: Environmental Studies, Geoscience
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed, Global
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice, Climate Change, Human Impact & Footprint

Bottled Versus Tap Water: What You Drink and Why
Marie Villarba, Seattle Central Community College
In the activity students learn about the properties of solutions, acidity and pH, electrolytes versus non-electrolytes, and solution concentration. Hopefully, this activity will also dispel common misconceptions about tap water and bottled beverages.

Bioregion Discipline: Chemistry, Environmental Studies
Bioregion Scale: Global, Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Lifestyles & Consumption, Pollution & Waste, Food Systems & Agriculture

An Environmental Analysis of Lake Waughop
Karen Harding, Pierce College
Through an analysis of water quality in a nearby lake, students are introduced to basic chemical techniques such as titrations (both acid/base and oxidation/reduction), atomic absorption spectrometry, and uv/vis spectrometry

Bioregion Discipline: Chemistry, Environmental Studies
Bioregion Scale: Campus, Local Community/Watershed
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Ecosystem Health, Water & Watersheds