Activity Collection
Bioregion Discipline Show all
Environmental Studies
36 matchesBioregion Scale Show all
36 matchesBioregion Topical Vocabulary
- Climate Change 8 matches
- Climate Justice 1 match
- Cultures & Religions 2 matches
- Cycles & Systems 3 matches
- Design & Planning 4 matches
- Ecosystem Health 10 matches
- Energy 3 matches
- Ethics & Values 2 matches
- Food Systems & Agriculture 6 matches
- Human Impact & Footprint 4 matches
- Human Health & Wellbeing 5 matches
- Lifestyles & Consumption 5 matches
- Natural Resources 4 matches
- Pollution & Waste 6 matches
- Promising Pedagogies 10 matches
- Sense of Place 7 matches
- Social & Environmental Justice 9 matches
- Sustainability Concepts & Practices 9 matches
- Water & Watersheds 11 matches
Results 31 - 36 of 36 matches
Visualizing Social Justice in South Seattle: Data Analysis, Race, and The Duwamish River Basin
Eunice Blavascunas, University of Washington
We examine the factors of race and environmental contamination, starting from the premise (and data proving) that race is not a biological, scientifically valid category, but a social, historical construction with real world consequences for equal access to health, resources, and power.
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed, Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Lifestyles & Consumption, Social & Environmental Justice, Human Impact & Footprint, Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Pollution & Waste, Water & Watersheds, Ecosystem Health
Building Sustainable Communities, But What Kind?
Hannah Love, Pacific Lutheran University
This assignment, depending on the level and depth of implementation, seeks to challenge students by asking them to look beyond "greenwashed" advertisements and buzzwords to grapple with what sustainability means, whether it can be achieved, and what kinds of questions communities must confront in a search for sustainability.
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Human Health & Wellbeing, Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Energy
Nature and Food
Liz Campbell, Seattle Central Community College
In this activity students read articles or excerpts of books to explore the topic of sustainability in terms of food webs, roles of plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria and their own food choices. Students continue their exploration of these kingdoms with a visit to a farmers' market and a grocery store to compare locally grown foods and grocery store selections.
Bioregion Scale: National/Continental, Local Community/Watershed, Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Food Systems & Agriculture
Developing a Transportation Survey to Estimate Gasoline Use by Campus Commuters
Steven Bogart, Shoreline Community College
Through this activity, students in a liberal arts mathematics class will develop experience with real-world statistical concepts through the context of sustainability: estimation, survey writing, sampling techniques, and data analysis.
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Change, Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Natural Resources
A Workshop to Inspire Effective Climate Action through a Just Transition Framework
Derek Hoshiko
A workshop to inspire effective climate action through a Just Transition framework. The workshop uses a presentation and a group activity to guide participants through collaborating on effective solutions with a higher impact.
Bioregion Scale: Regional, Campus, Home/Backyard, Local Community/Watershed, Global, National/Continental
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Change
Gasping for Breath in Hood Canal: Exploring the Dissolved Oxygen Crisis
Ann J. Murkowski, North Seattle Community College
Students work collaboratively in groups to apply their understanding of photosynthesis, respiration, and nutrient cycling to develop hypotheses to explain an acute low oxygen event that occurred in Hood Canal.
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Water & Watersheds, Ecosystem Health