Activity Collection

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Results 21 - 22 of 22 matches

Civic Stewardship and Interdependency: Rethinking Our Local Patterns of Consumption and Development
Tara DerYeghiayan Roth, Seattle University
This "Exploratory Essay" writing assignment asks students to acknowledge themselves as stakeholders in their communities, to take a closer look at the urban or suburban town they call home, and to re-examine notions of entitlement.

Bioregion Discipline: English
Bioregion Scale: National/Continental, Global
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Lifestyles & Consumption, Sense of Place, Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice

Phased Assignments in a Quarter-Long Argumentation & Research Course with a Sustainability Focus
Don Foran, Centralia College and The Evergreen State College
This teaching-and-learning activity is a phased process for developing a credible sustainability component in an Argumentation and Research course. The major assignment is a creation of an 8-10 page research paper in MLA format. All readings in this course are from the anthology, Listening to Earth (Hallowell and Levy).

Bioregion Discipline: English, Interdisciplinary Studies
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Sense of Place, Sustainability Concepts & Practices