Activity Collection

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Blogging about Nature and Politics: A Weekly Journal Activity for Building Resilient and Active Students
David Spataro, Bellevue Community College

Bioregion Discipline: Anthropology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Environmental Studies, Political Science/Policy, Geography, Sociology, Philosophy
Bioregion Scale: Campus, Local Community/Watershed, Home/Backyard
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Justice, Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice, Lifestyles & Consumption, Human Health & Wellbeing, Civil Society & Governance, Climate Change, Sense of Place, Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Ethics & Values, Social & Environmental Justice

Native Plants, Native Peoples: Ethnobotany of the Puget Sound Bioregion
Liz Fortenbery, Tacoma Community College
Students gain a small glimpse into a native knowledge system and the relationship between people and plants, and thus begin to develop or strengthen their own relationship to native plants and the Puget Sound watershed.

Bioregion Discipline: Anthropology
Bioregion Scale: Home/Backyard, Local Community/Watershed, Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Cultures & Religions