Using BASICS in Environmental Science Courses
Learn from other faculty who have used the transdiciplinary BASICS teaching materials in their environmental science courses. Use the two searches below to find faculty use-cases from a variety of environmental science courses ranging in grade level and topic.
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Instructor Stories from Environmental Science Courses
Hear directly from faculty about how they used the BASICS teaching materials.
Subject: Environmental Science
Results 1 - 4 of 14 matches
Using the Mississippi River Watershed Module in Introduction to Environmental Economics part of The Wicked Problem of Water Quality in the Mississippi River Watershed:Instructor Stories
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
Using the Zero-Waste Circular Economy Module in Nature in Society: Environmental Social Sciences and Humanities part of The Wicked Problem of an Equitable Zero-Waste Circular Economy:Instructor Stories
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Using the Zero-Waste Circular Economy Module in History of Sustainable Design part of The Wicked Problem of an Equitable Zero-Waste Circular Economy:Instructor Stories
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
Using the Zero-Waste Circular Economy Module in Global Climate Change part of The Wicked Problem of an Equitable Zero-Waste Circular Economy:Instructor Stories
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
Course-Specific Exercises from Environmental Science Courses
Explore the course-specific activities that faculty used to build on the BASICS teaching materials in their courses.
Subject: Environmental Science
Grade Level
Resource Type: Activities
Results 1 - 4 of 14 matches
Action Plan for Impacting Your Sustainable Development Goal part of The Wicked Problem of Water Quality in the Mississippi River Watershed:Course-Specific Exercises
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Project
Nutrient Pollution in the Mississippi River part of The Wicked Problem of Water Quality in the Mississippi River Watershed:Course-Specific Exercises
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity
Campus Waste Audit part of The Wicked Problem of an Equitable Zero-Waste Circular Economy:Course-Specific Exercises
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Lab Activity
Sustainability and Tax Policy part of The Wicked Problem of an Equitable Zero-Waste Circular Economy:Course-Specific Exercises
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Writing Assignment