Quantitative Reasoning Publications and Presentations

Initial Publication Date: June 28, 2014


Wang, Frank. 2021. "Confidence Intervals of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Rates." Numeracy 14(2): 7.

Wang, Frank. 2021. "Using COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Data to Teach One-Sample Hypothesis Testing.  Numeracy 14(1): 7.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2020. Mentoring Faculty through a Quantitative Reasoning Faculty Development Program:  Why do Faculty Participate and What do They Get Out of It? The Journal of General Education 69(3-4): 208-234.

Wang, Frank. 2015. "Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE), 2: Development of Students' Bayesian Reasoning Skills: A Case Study." Numeracy 8(2): Article 7.

Wang, Frank and Esther Isabelle Wilder. 2015. "Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE), 1: Teaching Faculty How to Improve Students' Quantitative Reasoning Skills through Cognitive Illusions." Numeracy 8(2): Article 6.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2015. "Resources for Infusing Quantitative Reasoning Skills throughout the Sociology Curriculum." Teaching/Learning Matters: ASA's Newsletter for the Section on Teaching & Learning in Sociology 44(3): 15-16.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Elin Waring, Frank Wang, and Dene Hurley. 2014. "A Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE): Strategies for Effective Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Instruction." Proceedings of the 2014 Meeting of the International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS).

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Elin Waring, Frank Wang, and Dene Hurley. 2013. "The Key Components of a Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE): Using Best Practices to Train Faculty." (Acrobat (PDF) 644kB Dec12 14) Proceedings of the 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings. Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association. Pp. 1850-1864.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2012. "Teaching Quantitative Literacy/Quantitative Reasoning (QL/QR Skills): A Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education." (Acrobat (PDF) 224kB Dec12 14) Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings. Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association. Pp 2676-2690.


Wang, Frank.  2021.  "Hypothesis Testing of the Efficacy of Covid-19 Vaccines." National Numeracy Network Virtual Conference.

Hoiland, Sarah, Esther Isabelle Wilder, and Crystal Rodriguez. 2019. "Assessing Numeracy in a Faculty Development Program." The Community College Conference on Learning Assessment. Orlando, FL.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2018. "Data Literacy and Social Justice: Engaging Faculty in Best Practices." SAGE Exchange: Talk Data to Me! Boston Public Library. Boston, MA.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle and Dahlia Remler. 2018. "Using Survey Research to Teach Quantitative Reasoning." Annual Meeting of the National Numeracy Network. Lansing, MI.

Hoiland, Sarah and Felipe Pimentel. 2018. "Toward an Integrated and Collaborative Teaching Model in Soc 101." Annual Meeting of the National Numeracy Nettwork (NNN). Lansing, MI.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2018. Workshop leader, "Incorporating American Community Survey and U.S. Census Data into Undergraduate Courses." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Philadelphia.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2018. Workshop leader, "Incorporating American Community Survey and U.S. Census Data into Undergraduate Courses." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Philadelphia, PA.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2018. Teaching Demography in the Classroom: Quantitative Reasoning/Quantitative Literacy." Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Denver, Colorado.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Sarah Hoiland, and Eduardo Vianna. 2018. "Teaching Quantitative Reasoning/Quantitative Literacy in the Classroom: An Overview of the NICE/NICHE Projects." ICPSR/University of Michigan. Funded by Sloan Planning Grant.

Better, Alison, Clare Forstie, Sarah L. Hoiland, Diane S. McMahon, Thomas P. Shields, Ashley Rondini and Chandra D.L. Waring. 2018. "Addressing Social Inequalities and Social Justice in the Classroom: A Workshop Sharing Ideas and Best Practices." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Philadelphia, PA.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Sarah Hoiland and Frank Wang. 2017. "Strategies for Teaching QR at Minority-Serving Institutions, College that Serve Economically Disadvantaged Students, and/or Community Colleges." Annual Meeting of the National Numeracy Network. New York City.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Frank Wang, and Sarah Hoiland. 2017. "From NICHE to NICE: Training Faculty in Best Practices for Quantitative Reasoning." The Mathematical Association of America Metropolitan New York Annual Section Meeting. Bronx, NY.

Hoiland, Sarah, Esther Isabelle Wilder, Jill Bouma, and Kate Wolfe. 2016. "Teaching Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning in the Social Sciences." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, WA.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Rebecca K. West and Frank Wang. 2016. "A Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE): Strategies for Effective Quantitative Reasoning Instruction." Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice. Conference co-hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Michello, Janet, Lee Boyar, and Brandi Rima. 2015. "Cross-Disciplinary Infusion of Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Across CUNY Schools." Science Education for New Civic Responsibilities and Engagement (SENCER) Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. New York City College of Technology, New York City.

Wang, Frank. 2015. "Development of Students' Bayesian Reasoning Skills." Mathematical Association of American MathFest. Washington, DC.

Wang, Frank. 2013. "Understanding the Roots of Cognitive Illusions: An Approach to Teaching Faculty How to Improve Students' Quantitative Skills." Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan NY Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Farmingdale, NY.

Wang, Frank. 2013. "Teaching Faculty how to Improve Students' Quantitative Skills through Cognitive Illusions." Mathematical Association of American MathFest. Hartford, CT.

Wang, Frank. 2013. "How to Improve your Students' Bayesian Reasoning Skills?" New York State Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges Region 4 Meeting. New York City.

Wang, Frank and Esther Isabelle Wilder. 2014. "How to Teach Bayesian Reasoning? Content of a Numeracy Infusion Course in Higher Education (NICHE)." Science Education for New Civic Responsibilities and Engagement (SENCER) Conference on Engaging Mathematics. LaGuardia Community College. New York City.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2015. "Overview of Quantitative Reasoning and a Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education." Presentation at Workshop on Using the American Community Survey to Incorporate Demographic Approaches in Undergraduate Courses." University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2014. "A Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education: Best Practices for Teaching Quantitative Reasoning." Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (CHEP). Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2012. "Teaching Quantitative Reasoning Skills: A Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE)." Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association. San Diego.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Dene Hurley, and Elin Waring. 2015. "A Model Faculty Development Program for Best Practices in Quantitative Reasoning Instruction." Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (CHEP). Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Dene Hurley, Frank Wang, and Elin Waring. 2012. "A Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE)." Annual Meeting of the National Numeracy Network (NNN). New York.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, and Elin Waring. 2013. "From Sociology to General Education: Teaching Quantitative Literacy." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. New York City.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle Wilder and Frank Wang. 2014. "Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE): Building an Online Community for Quantitative Reasoning Pedagogy." Science Education for New Civic Responsibilities and Engagement (SENCER) Conference on Teaching with Technology. Barnard College, Columbia University. New York City.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Elin Waring, Frank Wang and Dene Hurley. 2014. "A Numeracy Infusion Course for Quantitative Reasoning: Best Practices for Teaching Quantitative Reasoning." International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS). Flagstaff, Arizona.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle, Elin Waring, Frank Wang and Dene Hurley. 2013. "The Key Components of a Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE): Using Best Practices to Train Faculty." Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association. Montreal.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle and Rebecca K. West. 2014. "An Assessment of the Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE): Teaching Faculty Effective Strategies for Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Instruction." Twenty-First International Conference on Learning. New York City.


Wang, Frank and Esther Isabelle Wilder. 2016. "Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education." Presentation at Harold Washington College, City College of Chicago.

Wang, Frank and Esther Isabelle Wilder. 2016. "Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education." Presentation at Malcolm X College, City College of Chicago.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2016. "Infusing and Assessing Quantitative Reasoning across the Curriculum." Workshop/Presentation at Pine Manor College, Chestnut Hill, MA.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle and Elin Waring. 2013. "Using Best Practices to Teach the Faculty: A Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education." Workshop at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Conference on Transforming STEM Education: Inquiry, Innovation, Inclusion and Evidence. San Diego.

Wilder, Esther I., and Elin Waring. 2013. "Looking to Infuse Numeracy and Quantitative Reasoning into Your Classroom? Here's How with NICHE!" Bronx EdTech Showcase.

Wilder, Esther I., Elin Waring, Frank Wang and Dene Hurley. 2013. "Workshop on Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE)." City University of New York Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE) Conference, John Jay College.


Wilder Esther Isabelle. 2014. "Painting by Numbers" Panel Forum. Lehman College Library. (Please see write-up about session here. (Acrobat (PDF) 838kB Aug4 14))

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2013. Presentation on a Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE) at group session entitled, "Lehman Flips: Techniques for a Hybrid Classroom." City University of New York (CUNY) IT Conference. New York.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2013. "The Quantitative Reasoning Program at Lehman College." New Faculty Seminar, Lehman College.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2013. "Quantitative Reasoning Across the Curriculum." Preparing Students to be Professionals Conference (outreach conference to teachers), Lehman College.

Wilder, Esther Isabelle. 2013. "Quantitative Reasoning Across the Curriculum at Lehman College." Lehman College General Faculty Meeting.