Teaching Sedimentology Using Modern and Ancient Comparisions
Suzanne O'Connell Wesleyan University
Initial Publication Date: November 14, 2009
As sedimentolotigsts much or our work involes looking at modern depostional environments to interpret past environments. Thi class used repeated comparisons to teach sedimentology.
GSA Poster (Acrobat (PDF) 275kB Nov14 09)
Learning Goals
Content/Concepts:How can we use modern depositional environments to interpret sedimentary rocks?
Geologic Skills:
Mapping, drawing statigraphic columns, grain size analysis, interpreting side-scan sonar (especially bedforms), measuring a section, using color to interpret depositional history.
Higher Order Thinking Skills:
Integrating and presenting different types of information.
Other Skills:
Reading papers, presenting information, discussing results with the author of some of the papers.
Instructional Level:undergraduate major
Skills Needed:
Role of Activity in a Course:
Data, Tools and Logistics
Required Tools:We used standard earth science equipment. The work could be done without boats and side-scan sonar.
Logistical Challenges:
Expensive field trips, vans, boats.
Evaluation Goals:Evaluation Techniques:
Poster presentations comparing the Hartford Basin to one part (their choice) of the East Aftrican Rift Valley. Poster presntation was formal with an outside reviewer, Paul Olsen, who was author of many of the papers.