Educational Materials Collection
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EarthScope Geophysics Data: Data
- 2 matches General/Other
- GPS/GNSS 8 matches
- Seismic 11 matches
Special Interest
Results 1 - 10 of 41 matches
Rocks are Elastic!! Seeing is Believing
IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)
This activity helps learners see the elastic properties of rocks by actually bending marble. How rocks respond to stress is a fundamental concept, critical to forming explanatory models in the geosciences (e.g., elastic rebound theory). Whereas learners are likely to have lots of experience with rocks, few will have directly experienced them behaving elastically. As a result of this "missed experience", most learners conceptualize rocks as rigid solids; a concept which generally serves students well in everyday life but impedes learning about particular geologic concepts.
Grade Level: General Public, Informal, Middle (6-8), Intermediate (3-5), High School (9-12)
Subject: Geoscience, Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Seismology
Special Interest: Hazards
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Cupcake Geology: Interpreting Core Samples
Bonnie Magura (Portland Public Schools)
This activity helps students understand how geoscientists study the Earth below our feet through drilling. Using a large straw as a "drill", students collect samples through different parts of the specially layered cupcake and keep a "log" of the drill core. By defining different colored cake and filling, they can reconstruct what the interior of the cupcake may look like. Students gain an appreciation for the challenges of determining a plausible geologic interpretation with limited data.
Grade Level: High School (9-12), Middle (6-8), Intermediate (3-5)
Subject: Geoscience
Special Interest: Process of Science
Human Wave: Modeling P and S Waves
IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) and ShakeAlert
Lined up shoulder-to-shoulder, learners are the medium that P and S waves travel through in this simple, but effective demonstration. Once "performed", the principles of P and S waves will not be easily forgotten. This demonstration explores two of the four main ways energy propagates from the hypocenter of an earthquake as P and S seismic waves. The physical nature of the Human Wave demonstration makes it a highly engaging kinesthetic learning activity that helps students grasp, internalize and retain abstract information.
Grade Level: Informal, College Lower (13-14), General Public, High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8)
Subject: Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Seismology, Geoscience
Special Interest: Quantitative, Data, models, or simulations, Hazards
Quantitative Skills: Graphs, Gathering Data, Arithmetic/Computation
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Fault Models for Teaching About Plate Tectonics
Modified from an activity by Larry Braile (Purdue University) by TOTLE (Teachers on the Leading Edge) Project and further improved by ShakeAlert.
This short interactive activity has learners to manipulate fault blocks to better understand different types of earthquake-generating faults in different tectonic settings--extensional, convergent, and strike-slip. Fault models aid in visualizing and understanding faulting and plate motions because the instructor and their students can manipulate a three-dimensional model for a true hands-on experience.
Grade Level: General Public, Informal, Intermediate (3-5), High School (9-12), Middle (6-8)
Subject: Geoscience, Tectonics, Natural Hazards:Earthquakes
Special Interest: Data, models, or simulations, Hazards
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Seismic Slinky: Modeling P and S waves
IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)
Students will produce P and S waves using a Slinky© to understand how seismic waves transfer energy as they travel through solids. All types of waves transmit energy, including beach waves, sound, light, and more. When an earthquake occurs it generates four different types of seismic waves. We will focus on two of these: Compressional-P (longitudinal) and shearing-S (transverse) "body waves." These travel through the Earth with distinct particle motion and predictable speed.
Grade Level: General Public, Informal, High School (9-12), College Lower (13-14), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8)
Subject: Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Geoscience, Seismology
Special Interest: Data, models, or simulations, Hazards
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Measure a Changing Volcano
This hands-on demonstration illustrates how GPS can be used to measure the inflation and deflation of a volcano. Volcanoes may inflate when magma rises closer to the surface and deflate when the pressure dissipates or after an eruption.
Grade Level: General Public, Informal, Middle (6-8), High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5)
Subject: Geoscience, Geodesy, Natural Hazards:Volcanism
Special Interest: Quantitative, Data, models, or simulations, Hazards
Quantitative Skills: Gathering Data
Earthquake Machine
IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) and ShakeAlert
In this activity, learners work collaboratively in small groups to explore the earthquake cycle by using a physical model. Attention is captured through several short video clips illustrating the awe-inspiring power of ground shaking resulting from earthquakes. To make students' prior knowledge explicit and activate their thinking about the topic of earthquakes, each student writes their definition of an earthquake on a sticky note. Next, through a collaborative process, small groups of students combine their individual definitions to create a consensus definition for an earthquake.
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8)
Subject: Geoscience, Tectonics, Natural Hazards:Earthquakes
Special Interest: Data, models, or simulations, Hazards
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How Do We Know Where an Earthquake Originated?
Jeffrey Barker (Binghamton University) & Michael Hubenthal (IRIS)
Students use real seismograms to determine the arrival times for P and S waves and use these times to determine the distance of the seismic station from the earthquake. Seismograms from three stations are provided to determine the epicenter using the S – P (S minus P) method. Because real seismograms contain some "noise" with resultant uncertainty in locating arrival times of P and S waves, this activity promotes appreciation for uncertainties in interpretation of real scientific data.
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), Middle (6-8), High School (9-12)
Subject: Seismology, Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Geoscience
Special Interest: Process of Science, Quantitative, Data, models, or simulations, Hazards
Quantitative Skills: Estimation, Arithmetic/Computation
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Earthquake Hazard Maps & Liquefaction: Alaska emphasis
TOTLE (Teachers on the Leading Edge), CEETEP (Cascadia EarthScope Earthquake and Tsunami Education Program), EarthScope ANGLE, and ShakeAlert projects
Ground shaking is the primary cause of earthquake damage to man-made structures. This exercise combines three related activities on the topic of shaking-induced ground instability: a ground shaking amplification demonstration, a seismic landslides demonstration, and a liquefaction experiment. The amplitude of ground shaking is affected by the type of near-surface rocks and soil. Earthquake ground shaking can cause even gently sloping areas to slide when those same areas would be stable under normal conditions. Liquefaction is a phenomenon where water-saturated sand and silt take on the characteristics of a dense liquid during the intense ground shaking of an earthquake and deform. Includes Alaska and San Francisco examples.
Grade Level: Informal, Middle (6-8), Intermediate (3-5), General Public, High School (9-12)
Subject: Natural Hazards:Mass Wasting, Natural Hazards, Geoscience, Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Engineering, Seismology
Special Interest: Hazards, Data, models, or simulations
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Tsunami Basics Presentation
Robert Butler (ANGLE Project)
Description × This lecture and associated animations give a good introduction to tsunami produced by earthquakes and landslides. It includes information on how they are generated and why there can be great ...
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), General Public, Middle (6-8), High School (9-12)
Subject: Natural Hazards:Tsunami, Earthquakes, Geoscience, Natural Hazards:Mass Wasting
EarthScope Geophysics Data: Data: Data:GPS/GNSS, Geophysics GPS/GNSS, Data:Seismic
Special Interest: Hazards