Initial Publication Date: February 17, 2022
Pathway 3: Earthquake Impacts
How do earthquakes affect us?
Essential Questions
- What does the shaking feel like?
- How is the severity of an earthquake measured?
- How do seismic waves interact with matter?
- What controls earthquake shaking in different places?
Essential Understandings
- Earthquake magnitude is the amount of energy released during an earthquake, which is measured on the Moment Magnitude scale
- The fundamental controls on earthquake shaking (earthquake "intensity') at a given location are the magnitude of the event, and the distance from the epicenter and depth to the hypocenter
- Earthquake intensity may vary with geologic factors such as the type of soil or rock, resonance, and topographic effects
Activity Pathway
Glossary of activity types (ex. Introductory, Inquiry, etc.) (Opens in a new window.)