Stacey L Kiser

Initial Publication Date: September 22, 2012

Biology Instructor
Science Division
Lane Community College
4000 E. 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405

Phone:541 463 5047

Background Information

I teach Introductory Biology and General Survey of Biology classes at Lane Community College. I earned a BS from Oregon State University with a marine biology emphasis and an MS from University of Oregon in Ecology. In 1992 I was a graduate assistant in a lab that was part of the Workshop Biology grant project. I enjoyed biology education research so much that I worked as a research assistant after graduation, and that lead me to a teaching career in the community college system. Since starting full time in 1996 I to balance my classes with workshops and conferences. I am currently interested in faculty workshops and teaching reform in two year colleges.

Related Pedagogical Projects

After starting with the Workshop Biology project, I continued to include biology education research in my teaching. I am an F21 member of PKAL, Two Year College Outreach director for the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, and most recently I am running for president of NABT. I attended the Vision and Change conference and I am working to implement that document locally and regionally with a group of instructors as part of an NSF RCN grant proposal. As part of BioQUEST I have helped run faculty workshops in cyberlearning and bioinformatics. Most recently I have focused on increasing mathematical literacy in my majors' classes, hosting a Numb3r5 Count workshop at Lane in 2011.