Workshop Agenda
Plan to arrive by 5:00pm on Wednesday, September 17th and to depart after 3:30pm on Friday, September 19th.
Wednesday, September 17 (Day 1)
Evening: Participants meet at Carleton College, Weitz Center
5:00 pm: Icebreaker with cash bar and poster session
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:15 pm: Welcome, introductions, update, and goals of workshop (Juli) Morgan - Introduction (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 456kB Sep17 14)
7:30 pm: Review for pedagogy and completeness (Cathy/Ellen)
- Pedagogic framework (private workspace)
- 2009 MARGINS review questions
- Resources to support your review
7:45 pm: Internal mini-lesson reviews – purpose, procedures, & rubrics (Ellen/Cathy)
Evaluating the mini-lesson (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 17kB Sep17 14)
- Review pairs (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 25kB Sep17 14)
8:00 pm: Break-out Session #1a – Paired Reviews
Objectives:Mini-lesson authors meet in pre-assigned pairs to review their own and each other's mini-lessons. Approach from "backward design" point of view – i.e., look at what students achieved and compare to what was expected and desired. In the process, consider the original mini-lesson objectives, ongoing progress and plans, and field-testing results. See provided review form.
9:00 pm: Break-out Session #1b – Initiative Team Discussions
Objectives:Initiative teams regroup to debrief following reviews, develop initial plans for mini-lessons completion. Also define what team most needs from pedagogical expertise consultation (e.g., which mini-lessons are most in need or are there common needs across all the mini-lessons).
Thursday, September 18 (Day 2)
+6:00 am: Complimentary breakfast at the Northfield Country Inn
*All workshop activities will take place at Carleton College, Weitz Center Room 236
Objectives: Present initial plans for mini-lesson completion, have plan for what the team most needs from pedagogical expertise consultations.
9:15 am: Introduction to pedagogical consultations – purpose and goals (Ellen/Cathy)
9:30 am: Coffee Break
9:30-11:00 am: Break-out Session #2 – Initiative Teams Working Time
Objectives:Pedagogical experts meet with teams: Cathy Manduca (RCL); Julie Bartley (S2S); Mary Savina (Subfac); Ellen Iverson & Lisa Lamb (SEIZE). Clarify mini-lesson learning goals; match goals with achievements; refine assessment approaches; determine how to measure success, etc.
11:20-12:20 pm: Break-out Session #2 continued – Initiative Teams Working Time
Objectives: Teams focus on refining pedagogical aspects, and defining remaining steps to completion. Visiting experts circulate. Develop plans for addressing pedagogical pieces and any other final details for completion.
12:20 pm: Road check. Hand-out to be returned after lunch (Jen)
12:30 pm: Lunch – Language and Dining Hall
1:30-2:30 pm: Break-out Session #3a – Initiative Teams Working Time
Objectives: Initiative teams focus on incorporating input on pedagogy and defining plan for finalizing mini-lessons.
3:30 pm: Coffee Break
7:00 pm: Dinner & discussions at local restaurants
Flexible working time for initiative or disciplinary teams in prep for Friday wrap-up.
Friday, September 19 (Day 3)
+6:00 am: Complimentary breakfast at the Northfield Country Inn
9:00 am: Course development sub-team reports-out on proposed course outlines
9:30 am: Project completion Morgan-Closure (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 61kB Sep19 14)
- Remaining tasks & timeline for completion (Juli & Project Team)
- Documenting the pilot project – something for each mini-lesson, e.g., (Ellen, Jeff)
- Plan to develop instructor story for each mini-lesson Instructor Story (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 104kB Sep19 14)
- Collect reflection forms for each mini-lesson
- Teams report-out on revisions
10:15-10:30 am: Coffee Break
10:30 am: Summary & Sustaining a Community of Practice (Jen)
10:45 am: Other business & looking forward
- New plan for field-testing mini-lessons in the classroom (August)
- Publications - who will contribute (Juli)
- Disseminating results (Gus, SERC folks)
- Potential course outlines (Cathy)
- Future mini-lesson contributions
- Proposed course outlines - who will contribute (Cathy, Jeff)
- Other future efforts?
11:30 pm: Wrap up & closure – AGU get-together? Virtual Workshop?
12:00 pm: Adjourn
1:00 pm – shuttles start (Eliza leaves at 11:45 am)
2:00 pm another shuttle
Depart Friday afternoon