Faculty Reflection: Nathan Thomas

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Course(s): Environmental Biology (BIO 145)

A Success Story in Programmatic Change

Introduction to InTeGrate materials for the students was simple and straightforward. Many of the concepts that were included in the materials were already a portion of my course. The key aspects that needed to be altered were how and when the materials were to be InTeGrated. The concepts of the modules that I chose to incorporate in my course were separated over a longer period of time prior to InTeGration and thus the syllabus needed to be modified.

As a newcomer to InTeGrate I was a little overwhelmed prior to incorporation of materials. This was not reflective of the materials themselves, which were clear and appropriate, but rather to the quantity of information and duration of course time suggested to cover the material presented. I quickly realized that the information was easily modified to suit the needs of my own course and thus anxieties could be subdued while still achieved the goals of the project.

Incorporating InTeGrate Materials

In my course the InTeGrate materials were modified to better fit my own course goals and expectations. My course is conducted with a great deal of conversation and discussion. Major concepts are covered in a broad sense and many additional details and specific cases are provided for out of class consideration and reflection. Following student involvement with the materials from each unit, a written assignment is required of all students. During class this is used as a starting point for a whole class discussion of environmental issues, personal responsibility, societal change and steps toward a sustainable future. I used the InTeGrate materials as an additional framework to provide students with the background to understand the environmental issue at hand while maintaining the relevant theme of my course.


Many of the materials were used in part as a mechanism for further understanding or as and addition to standard in-class material. I heavily modified most of the material that I used due to the depth of coverage. In my course, as an overview and comprehensive course, I could not dedicate more than a few hours to any one topic. Most of the topics within InTeGrate are much more detailed, and valuable, than a few hours.

Outcomes and Evidence

Student engagement, both in-class and as out of class participants in InTeGrate project activities are key aspects of this project. Students routinely recognize that a global change is necessary to increase sustainability, but through project related activities students began to feel that their involvement made a difference. This project provided students additional opportunities that did not exist previously and with increased opportunities also came increased involvement. I was pleased at the level of involvement and interest from students, but I was even more pleased that they brought the their friends! If every student and learns about sustainability and recognizes the need for change would add just one friend, family member or colleague to the framework then the world would see change at a much faster pace.