InTeGrate Modules and Courses >Integrate > Program Design > InTeGrate Program Models > Grand Valley State
InTeGrate's Model Programs that bring an Earth-focus to the Undergraduate Classroom
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This program description is part of a collection of institutional models which explore ways of bringing a geoscience-informed approach to sustainability to a diverse range of disciplines, institutions, and networks. These model programs also provide the documentation and resources necessary to help other groups implement similar programs.
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Grand Valley State University - Integration of Earth Science Content across Science Teacher Preparation Courses

Dr. Steve Mattox (Grand Valley University); Dr. Deborah Herrington (Grand Valley University)
Dr. Stephen M. Rybczynski (Grand Valley University); Angela Slater (Grand Valley University)
Amber Kumpf, Muskegon (Community College); Tari Mattox (Grand Rapids Community College)
Dr. Keith Oliver (Grand Valley University); Dr. Brad Ambrose (Grand Valley University)
Dr. Pablo A. Llerandi-Román (Grand Valley University)


The Grand Valley State program created a new major in Integrated Science, including creating two new courses to integrate Earth science with physical and life sciences with the goal of better preparing pre-service teachers. The program also strengthened collaborations with local 2YCs, which included establishing curriculum agreements that helped create a bridge and guide geology and science education majors to facilitate students' transfer to the GVSU program to complete their degree.Learn more about the
Integrated Science Program at GVSU »

About the Program

We increased the integration of the sciences in our upper level methods courses by increasing collaboration between science disciplines, generating two new courses, establishing a new Integrated Science major in our university, and providing access to science education faculty to all secondary science majors. We support our transfer science and science education students with improved collaboration with nearby two-year colleges, Grand Rapids Community College and Muskegon Community College.

Program Goals

  1. Create a New Major in Integrated Science
  2. Create Two New Course Proposals for Science Methods Courses
  3. Continued Collaboration with our local Two-year Colleges

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This program description is part of a growing collection of models of ways to bring learning about the Earth to a diverse range of disciplines, institutions, and networks, as well as provide the documentation and resources necessary to help other groups implement similar programs..
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