Initial Publication Date: January 3, 2017

Faculty Reflection: Ramneet Kaur

Mercer University
Course(s): SCIE 100, Methods of Scientific Investigation

A Success Story in Programmatic Change

I was influenced by the Integrate material about Climate Change. I really liked this topic. I planned to create my own material about Climate change and it's impact on our health.I created my own power point about climate change and it's impact on our health. I discussed the general effects of climate change on our health as well as I also talked at the molecular level. I talked about how climate change is increasing the incidence of cancer. This topic was very well received by the students as they were aware of climate change but they were not aware how it is affecting our health.We had a great discussion in the classroom.

Incorporating InTeGrate Materials

I created my own material but it was influenced by Integrate material.



Outcomes and Evidence

It definitely increased student engagement as this topic was really engaging and they wanted to know more and more about it.