Initial Publication Date: March 17, 2008

Share Teaching Materials

Each of our collections of teaching materials and classroom resources draws from the collective the experiences and contributions of faculty members. Please share your insights with us by contributing resources, activities or tools that you find valuable in your teaching.

Classroom or lab activities that use models, simulations or datasets

We are seeking teaching materials that use simulations, models or online datasets. From the materials that you provide, we will create a web page describing your contribution to the activities collection.

View the collection :: Contribute an activity :: Contribute MATLAB teaching materials
Screen shot of the 2005 hurricane season visualization with latitude labels attached.

Data Sheets

A Data Sheet concisely describes a particular scientific data set in a way that is useful to educators interested in teaching with the data set. DataSheets highlight the connections between data sets and specific topics in science; they explicate how to acquire the data and include links to classroom activities that use the data. More information about DataSheets.

View the collection :: Share a data sheet

Tool Sheets

Tool Sheets describe geoscience tools such as data viewers, mapping programs, models, interactive databases or visualization programs that have applications in geoscience education.

See the first example: Fledermaus and iView3D

Share a tool sheet

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