Fall Workshop at Carleton College: Teaching with MATLAB
Are you teaching computation, data science, or coding skills in your courses? Join us for a free 3-day workshop on Teaching Computation with MATLAB!

For educators teaching courses that incorporate computational thinking and skills, Mathworks is sponsoring an in-person workshop held at Carleton College, hosted by the Science Education Resource Center and led both by faculty experienced in teaching computation and MATLAB experts. Educators in Minnesota and beyond are encouraged to apply and attend-- participation is free and stipends are available to offset travel expenses.
In these workshops, participants spend time creating curricula, addressing challenges to teaching computation, learning about pedagogical approaches and MATLAB tools for teaching, and working with peers and Mathworks professionals to improve their teaching materials.
Fill out an application to save your spot and help conveners create a program that best suits the interests of participants. Applications are due June 3.
Browse peer-reviewed teaching materials created and shared by past workshop participants
In preparation for the workshop, participants submit teaching activities using MATLAB for peer-review and receive feedback. During the workshop, participants spend time working with peers, independently, and with the support of Mathworks experts to improve their teaching materials.