The Moon on the Map

A Curriculum Unit developed and modified by Meeyoung Choi, Saltonstall School

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In this activity students will observe the landscapes of the moon from different sides, make their own hypothesis, and research about the moon's unique geological properties. Students will learn how to read topographic maps, to categorize different types of craters, and to understand the significance of new findings on the far side moon.

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Learning Goals

  • Students will learn how to read topographic maps.
  • Students will compare and contrast the geological properties of the earth and the moon.
  • Students will observe and categorize different types of craters on the moon.
  • Students will understand the significance of new findings in Space Science.

Context for Use


This lesson is a part of the space science unit that I plan to teach next year for grade 7 and 8 science classes. Students are expected have some background knowledge about the formation of the moon before learning this lesson. Also, they must have mathematical skills in solving proportions and the concept of equivalent ratios to compute the actual diameter of the craters on the moon. There is no special equipment to do this activity. However, at least six maps that show both sides of the moon are needed for 24 students. It is easy to adopt this lesson, because only materials needed are the maps. Not only the topographic maps but also any lunar maps can be used for younger learners.

Description and Teaching Materials

In-Class Activities

  • Elicitation Questions -Students will start the lesson answering the elicitation questions which is designed to help them access what they already know about the landscapes and conditions of the moon compared to the earth. I plan to teach this lesson right after the formation of the moon in the unit sequence.

    1. How is the moon different from Earth?

    2. How big is the moon? Is it larger than Pluto?
    3. What color(s) is the moon? Why? Is it possible to see colors different than grey on the moon?
    4. What are the landscapes you expect to see on the moon? Are there mountains? Are there traces of oceans? List your evidences.
    5. Is the moon made of the same materials that made the earth? Why? Why not?
    6. Is there water on the moon? If yes, in what part of the moon can you find water? How is the temperature of the water?
    7. Are/were there volcanic activities on the moon? Why?
  • Map Observations -In groups of three or four, students will observe the maps of the near side moon and the far side moon. (Look at the "Materials" section to find the information about where to get the maps.) Students are encouraged talk and discuss with their peers about what they observe on the map. During the observations, students are expected to take notes in their lab notebook in response to the following questions:
    1. What do you notice on the map?

      (List at least three things you notice about each side of the moon.)
    2. Do you see any craters? As a group, choose three different-size craters and copy the names and the locations of them in your lab notebook.
    3. Go back to your elicitation question #4, 5 and 7. As a group, choose one question to focus on for a further research. Based on your observations of the moon on the map, write an individual hypothesis related to one of the questions you have chosen.
  • Measuring Craters (Math Activity) -With a metric ruler, students will measure the diameters of the three different-size craters they have selected previously as a group. Then, using the scale of the map and their basic knowledge of proportions, they will convert their measurements into actual distances in kilometers.
  • Categorizing craters -On the classroom board, the teacher will make a table to categorize different types of craters on the moon. Each group will come up to the board and fill in the table with the name of the crater and its actual size. Then, the whole class can discuss about which craters are impact basins, simple craters, or complex craters.

  • Video Clip -Students will watch a video clip of a recent news report on a rare silicic volcano on the far side of the moon.

  • Closing -Students will re-visit their hypothesis and to share with the whole class if there were any new findings that could change their minds and also talk about what more information they need to test their hypothesis.

At Home Assignments

  • Students will research about evidences that support their hypothesis on the following websites and write their conclusions.
  • Students will practice math problems related to solving proportions using different map scales.


  • Calculators (optional)
  • A lab notebook to record their data and take notes
  • A metric ruler to measure the diameter of craters
  • Optional: The book "Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters" features tactile diagrams of the lunar surface - For more information, visit
  • Topographic maps of the moon(both the far side and the near side) published by USGS. I-2769. Color-coded topography and shaded relief maps of the lunar hemispheres. Prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 2002. Three sheets. Scale 1:10,000,000 (1 mm = 10 km). All sheets 42 by 32 inches (in color). $14.

    For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, 1-888-ASK-USGS.

    For more information, visit this link


Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework (2006)

  • The Earth in the Solar System

    10. Compare and contrast properties and conditions of objects in the solar system (i.e., sun, planets, and moons) to those on Earth (i.e., gravitational force, distance from the sun, speed, movement, temperature, and atmospheric conditions).

Teaching Notes and Tips

  • Measuring Craters(Math Activity)

o Advise your students to use the metric system for this activity.

o The measurements of impact basins on the moon can be found on page 188 and 189 in the book The Solar System: The earth and the moon byElkins-Tanton, Linda T.

o Students may use calculators.

  • Categorizing craters - the information below is directly quoted in part and summarized from Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters, written by Dr. David Hurd (
    • Maria(Mare) - the smooth regions that appear darker than the surrounding region when looking at the moon with the naked eye; caused by Magnesium-rich basaltic rocks; NOT a trace of hydraulic oceans; once were seas of molten lava
    • Impact craters - formed by asteroids and comets in space impacting the surface of the moon; classified as simple or complex
    • Simple craters - a bowl-shaped depression with raise rims with a diameter of 15 km or less
    • Complex craters - larger than 15 km but smaller than 300 km; have shallow, flat floors, a raised central dome/mountains, and giant terraces around the walls
    • Impact basins - larger than 300 km in diameter; have concentric rings
    • Use this table to organize different types of craters

Organizing Table

  • Video Clip -Watching this video clip lets the students realize that there are always new findings in space science and that the recent discovery will be used to estimate a more precise timeline in the geological history of the moon.


  • Students will submit their lab report that includes their hypothesis, research notes, and conclusions.
  • Students may reproduce each different type of craters by drawing or molding play dough or clays. The size of each crater should be relatively proportional to other types of craters. The unique traits of each different crater must be modeled close to the real landscapes on the moon.

References and Resources

Elkins-Tanton, Linda T. The Solar System: The earth and the moon. New York: Facts On File, 2010. Print.

Lunar maps of all different kinds can be found: digital images and published maps


Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters, written by Dr. David Hurd


Lunar Science for kids by NASA


News article, video clip, pictures of the silicic vocanoe on the far side of the moon (7/27/2011)


A link of the press release "Nature Geoscience" on 7/27/2011 by Washington University in St. Louis


The Moon on the Map --Discussion  

Meeyoung, I really like this activity! And thanks for pulling in so many aspects from the class. I think you have organized this in a way that really encouraged your students to observe independently and then to form ideas about what they are seeing. This might even be exciting enough that you produce some young planetary scientists - send them my way!
It seems to me that with your final chart to fill out you are inviting the students to notice that the largest craters are filled with black basalt. This is largely true, and some of us think the melting of the lunar mantle that produced the basalt was triggered by the impact. It's good to note, though, that it;s not an absolute rule: Some large craters have no basalt, and some small craters do. Another important control on basalt aside from crater size is crater age. Craters that occurred between about 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago are most likely to be filled with melt. We think that more recently the Moon was cooler and so melting it was more difficult. But a giant outstanding question is why South Pole-Aitken basin, largely on the lunar far side, is not filled with basalt even though it's the largest and oldest crater on the Moon!
Small note: you might say the basalts are iron and magnesium rich (and silica poor).
I hope you will edit this activity using comments from others, and again as you use it in your classroom, and that you will take it public! Thanks, and all my best -


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Hello Meeyoung –

I am glad that you will have your students working with maps in this way. I think it will be engaging and thought provoking for them. I like the basic structure of the Map Observation portion of the activity and think it will work well.

When we all looked at the maps Lindy brought in, questions about how to interpret them quickly arose. I recall one group puzzling two maps of the same place that were colored quite differently, and another working to figure out whether a particular area was low-lying or raised. Questions about how the maps were made also arose. I’m sure your students will have similar questions, and the way you support their search for answers will be important. I can imagine you moving from group to group, keeping them “in the driver’s seat” by asking questions that prompt them to notice more and to make sense of the many details they identify.

An alternative to beginning by asking all of the elicitation questions you list is to simply hand out the maps and ask your “what do you notice” question. Or to choose one or two of your questions and link them to the maps. (How is the moon different from Earth? What do these maps suggest?) Either way, I hope that you will keep track of some of your students’ observations, questions and conclusions and report on them here. These will be useful to other teachers.

I look forward to hearing how this goes!


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