Urban micro-watershed hydrograph creation and analysis
In this module, learners will be introduced to geospatial data, watershed delineation in QGIS, and a simple runoff generation model. Learning objectives will be met through an authentic task, where learners are asked to estimate runoff generation from a small neighborhood near the Las Vegas ...
Urban micro-watershed hydrograph creation and analysis UA_UNV Enroll Now Problem Statement You work with the Stephen and Jones engineering (SJE) firm. The City of Las Vegas has contacted your firm to estimate storm water runoff from an area near the Harry Reid International Airport. Your supervisor has asked you to (1) delineate the microwatershed draining the area of interest, (2) develop a storm hydrograph for planning purposes. Module Overview In this module, learners will be introduced to geospatial data, watershed delineation in QGIS, and a simple runoff generation model. Learning objectives will be met through an authentic task, where learners are asked to estimate runoff generation from a small neighborhood near the Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport. Topics Covered In this learning module, learners will be introduced to a series of concepts including geospatial data, watershed delineation in QGIS, and runoff generation. Prerequisites None Learning Objectives At the end of this module, you should be able to perform stream network and watershed delineation perform hydrograph generation for a given point and precipitation event describe factors that influence hydrograph accuracy describe solutions to lower flows from a given catchment area "Learning objectives will be met through an authentic task, where learners are asked to estimate runoff generation from a small neighborhood near the Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport." Course Authors Nate Jones Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Alabama cnjones7@ua.edu Haroon Stephen Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction, University of Nevada Las Vegas. haroon.stephen@unlv.edu Solution Keys If you are an Instructor seeking the answer keys, please contact the course creators using your official University email account. Target Audience Junior/Senior Hydrology Courses and GIS Applications Courses Tools Needed Computer with access to Internet, spreadsheet software (e.g., Excel or Google Sheets), and QGIS software [free]. Course Sharing and Adaptation This course is available for export by clicking the "Export Link" at the top right of this page. Recommended Citation Haroon, S., Jones, N. (2022) Urban Micro-watershed Hydrograph Creation and Analysis. HydroLearn. https://edx.hydrolearn.org/courses/course-v1:UA_UNV+CEE468+gis_water_resources/about. Expected Effort 10 hours