Biodiversity and Conservation: A Hypertext Book

Peter Bryant, School of Biological Sciences, Department of Developmental and Cell Biology

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Used as a textbook for an upper-division course in biological conservation, this hypertext book addresses the problem of preserving biological diversity. The history of life on earth is discussed, as well as the reasons for depletion and extinction of animals and plants, why we should be concerned about these losses, and approaches to preserving what is left. Sixteen chapters cover the History of Life, the Age of Mammals, Extinction and Depletion from Over-Exploitation, Whaling and Fishing, Overexploitation Threatening Living Species, Global Patterns of Biodiversity, Values of Biodiversity, Endangered Species Protection, Exotic Introductions, Forests and Deforestation, Endangered Aquatic Habitats, Islands, Protected Areas, Habitat Pollution, Captive Breeding and Reintroduction, and Human Population Growth. Where appropriate in the text, links to more detailed information on external sites are provided. Several links also lead to notable regional conservation organizations.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Environmental Science:Oceans and Coastal Resources, Ecosystems:Biodiversity, Habitats, Evolution, Environmental Science:Forest Resources, Ecosystems:Ecology, Biology, Geoscience:Oceanography:Marine Resources
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14), Graduate/Professional
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science, Oceanography