Mike Brudzinski


Miami University-Oxford

Workshop Participant, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Activities (26)

How do Faults Slip: Earthquakes versus Episodic Tremor and Slip part of Deep Earth:Activities
A comparison of earthquakes and episodic tremor and slip using GPS and seismic data to illustrate how faults slip.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Courses (2)

Seismology Skill Building Workshop for Undergraduates part of Teach the Earth:Courses
The COVID-19 pandemic led to the suspension of many summer research opportunities for STEM students. In response, the IRIS Education and Outreach program, in collaboration with Miami University, offered a free ...

GLG 111 - The Dynamic Earth part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This course is being revised as part of a 2-year university-funded project entitled "Developing, Implementing, and Assessing Active-Learning Modules for 100-Level Geology Foundation Courses." The ...

Essays (3)

Self-reflection guides as a strategy to support students’ development of intellectual skills part of GET Spatial Learning:Blog
Participation in an undergraduate research opportunity (URO) has become a common, and in some cases necessary, element in the educational and career pathways for many aspiring scientists. A number of studies have ...

Using Teachable Moments to Engage the General Public and Foster Learning in Seismology part of GET Spatial Learning:Blog
Historically, there has been a major disconnect between scientists and the general public such that many scientists have felt that promoting their findings to the public via social media and news is not relevant ...

Teaching Geospatially in an Online World part of GET Spatial Learning:Blog
For many instructors, there is a lot of inertia that creates resistance to teaching online. They have had success developing a face-to-face course that works for them, so if it's isn't broken, why fix ...

Conference Presentations (7)

Relationships between Attrition and Student Performance in a Large-Enrollment Online Skill Training part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2024:Program:Oral Sessions:Thursday Oral Session B
The Seismology Skill Building Workshop (SSBW) is a 14 week online, asynchronous course designed to develop undergraduate skills in seismology and scientific computing. The SSBW has been an important addition to ...

Other Contributions (5)

Earthquake Fingerprint Scanning and Induced Seismicity part of Videos:Videos Workshop 2014:Contributed Videos
This video explains an earthquake fingerprint scanning technique and how it can be used to identify seismicity potentially induced by human activity.