Mary Anne Holmes
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Writing A Book Synopsis for Oceanography part of Oceanography:Activities
Students read popular science books and write a synopsis of the book, linking the topic(s) covered in the book with those covered in class. This activity is designed for a large geoscience lecture course to aid ...
Course (1)
Oceanography part of Oceanography:Courses
This course is intended to provide students with a beginning towards understanding the oceans, how they affect you, and how you affect them. After taking this course, you will be prepared to learn more, throughout ...
Essay (1)
Mary Anne Holmes part of Metacognition:Workshop 08:Participant Essays
Brain Development and Long-Term Memory Mary Anne Holmes, University of Nebraska - Lincoln The aspect of learning that most interests me is long-term declarative memory formation. Three aspects of brain development ...
3 activities reviewed