Darryl Reano
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Website Content Contributions
Conference Presentations (2)
Expanding Pathways to Geoscience: Equity-Focused Virtual Field Experiences for Indigenous Student Success in Earth Sciences part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2024:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday Poster Session
Utilizing Infiniscope's browser-based platform, Tour It and a Theta 360 degree camera, we are creating virtual field experiences (VFEs) that integrate place-based learning tools and equity frameworks, such as ...
GeoConnections part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2017:Program:Poster Sessions:Wednesday
GeoConnections is a recent NSF-funded project that is focused on creating geoscience education modules (GEMs) that are place-based and culturally relevant for Native American undergraduate students. The development ...
Other Contribution (1)
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus: Using the TIDeS modules in Intro to Geology I (Physical) part of TIDeS:TIDeS Teaching Materials:Instructor Stories
A major change for this large enrollment course was that I asked students to work in small groups (5-10 people). In previous iterations of the course, most assignments were completed individually. In addition, I had more opportunities during my lectures for students to discuss posed questions with their neighbors. For most of the TIDES modules we also had dedicated group work time, when students were expected to complete a handout by the end of class to demonstrate attendance and that they completed the activity. Students were given instructions at the beginning of class and we also talked through the instructions prior to students beginning the activity. It often worked better to help students engage in investigation and design once they were in their groups, rather than as a whole class discussion (students were often hesitant to contribute in front of the entire class).
July 2024 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2017
July 2017 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2016
July 2016 NAGT All
Teaching with Augmented and Virtual Reality Interest
Education Icon
ITG Environmental Justice webinar registrants 2016
Earth Educators' Rendezvous Interest Group
Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources Interest Group
NAGT Webinar Series Interest
Surface Process Hazards Interest Group
Workshop Participant (18 workshops)
September 2019 Neutralizing the Politicization of Climate Science and Energy Policy
July 2017 Preparing for an Academic Career
July 2017