Resource Collection
One of the cornerstones of the NextGen-WA collaboration is sharing resources with our colleagues. The resources compiled below reflect those collected during the NextGen-WA Project. You may also want to check out the Innovations in STEM Teacher Preparation searchable toolbox for additional resources.
Resource Topics
- Supporting Systemic Change in STEM Teacher Preparation 39 matches
- Policy and Policy Documents on STEM Teacher Preparation and Education 11 matches
- Demographics of students, teachers in WA state 4 matches
- Information on the NextGen Project 7 matches
- Diversity in STEM Education and Teacher Preparation 20 matches
- Clinical Practice 13 matches
- Integration of Computer Science into STEM Teacher Preparation 3 matches
- Integration of Engineering into STEM Teacher Preparation 14 matches
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge in STEM Teacher Preparation 10 matches
- Integration of Education for Sustainability in STEM Teacher Preparation 4 matches
- Integration of Mathematics in STEM Teacher Preparation 5 matches
- Integrated STEM Teaching 4 matches
Intended Audience
- K-12 teachers 41 matches
- K-12 administrators 41 matches
- College/University Staff 50 matches
- Graduate Students 20 matches
- Post-doctoral Fellows 12 matches
- Non-tenure track Faculty 55 matches
- Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty 56 matches
- Institution Administration 50 matches
- Policy Makers 41 matches
- Informal Educators 19 matches
- Non-profits in Education 26 matches
- Business and Industry 16 matches
- Government Agencies (federal, state, local) 30 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 63 matches
Clinical Practice Landscape Analysis Rubrics
Teacher educators can use this rubric to analyze the extent to which their teacher education (TE) programs currently reflect research-based components of effective clinically-oriented, practice-based teacher preparation, as well as identify aspects of clinical practice where their program would like to improve. This rubric contains 35 indicators organized into seven components of effective clinical practice in TE programs.
Intended Audience: Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Non-tenure track Faculty, Institution Administration, College/University Staff
Resource Type: Working Paper
Transforming Teacher Education Through Clinical Practice: A National Strategy to Prepare Effective Teachers
To prepare effective teachers for 21st century classrooms, teacher education must shift away from a norm which emphasizes academic preparation and course work loosely linked to school-based experiences. Rather, it must move to programs that are fully grounded in clinical practice and interwoven with academic content and professional courses. This demanding, clinically based approach will create varied and extensive opportunities for candidates to connect what they learn with the challenge of using it, while under the expert tutelage of skilled clinical educators. Candidates will blend practitioner knowledge with academic knowledge as they learn by doing. They will refine their practice in the light of new knowledge acquired and data gathered about whether their students are learning.
Intended Audience: Non-tenure track Faculty, Institution Administration, College/University Staff, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, K-12 administrators
Resource Type: Report
10 Key Questions University Leaders Should Ask about Quality Science and Mathematics Teacher Preparation: Implementation Strategies from The Analytic Framework
The Analytic Framework is an ordered classification of strategies along a continuum of teacher development from recruitment to preparation to induction to professional development (Coble, 2012; Coble et al., 2012). In this paper, the Ten Key Questions from the work of Presley and Coble are mapped to the current strategies contained in the Analytic Framework. This concordance provides campus and program leaders a more specific assessment of what their individual campuses and programs might do (and might already be doing) to provide a positive response to the key questions and build a plan to continually improve the quality of their science and mathematics teacher education program.
Intended Audience: Institution Administration, Policy Makers, Non-tenure track Faculty, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, College/University Staff
Resource Type: Working Paper
Three modes of STEM integration for middle school mathematics teachers
Research Paper on Integrated STEM education that discusses three methods that middle school mathematics teachers can utilize to integrate STEM subjects.
Intended Audience: Institution Administration, Policy Makers, Non-tenure track Faculty, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, College/University Staff, K-12 administrators, K-12 teachers
Resource Type: Journal Article
Building STEM Education on a Sound Mathematical Foundation
A Joint Position Statement on STEM from the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Intended Audience: Post-doctoral Fellows, Graduate Students, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Institution Administration, Policy Makers, College/University Staff, Non-tenure track Faculty, Informal Educators, K-12 administrators, Non-profits in Education, Government Agencies (federal, state, local), K-12 teachers
Resource Type: Opinion Piece, Working Paper, White Paper, Report
An Innovative Integrated STEM Program for PreK-6 Teachers
In this article, we describe an innovative, 6-course, 18-credit post-baccalaureate certificate (PBC) program for pre-kindergarten through grade six teachers (PreK-6) in Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (iSTEM) Instructional Leadership. Here, the acronym, "iSTEM," refers to education that not only addresses each of the S, T, E and M subjects, but also emphasizes the connections among them. We collaboratively contributed to the development of the program, and teach courses within it. The program graduated its pilot cohort of teachers in 2015, is running its second cohort, and is recruiting for a third. The article summarizes the program's origins and integration approach and key aspects of program design. Those key aspects include: make-up of the program team; a deliberate course sequence; decrease in structure (and increase in more open-ended, student-centered learning approaches) over time in the program; and movement in the program from growth as an iSTEM teacher towards growth as iSTEM teacher leader. Each of the courses is described in greater detail, followed by a discussion of program assessment and evaluation. The article concludes with our reflections about the program's challenges and successes thus far.
Intended Audience: Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Non-tenure track Faculty, College/University Staff
Resource Type: Report
What is engineering? Elaborating the nature of engineering for K‐12 education
What is engineering? What do engineers do? How is engineering related to, but distinct from, science? These questions all relate to the nature of engineering (NOE), and as engineering is incorporated into K‐12 education across the United States, the NOE is becoming increasingly important for students and teachers. This paper presents key dimensions of the NOE via a framework synthesized from studies of the engineering discipline from philosophical, historical, and sociological perspectives, as well as perspectives from within the engineering field.
Intended Audience: Non-tenure track Faculty, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, K-12 teachers
Resource Type: Journal Article
Effective Science Instruction: What Does Research Tell Us?
Science education has received renewed attention in the United States in the last several decades, with calls for a scientifically literate citizenry in this increasingly technological society. Science for All Americans (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1989) laid out a vision describing the knowledge a scientifically literate person would have. This vision was further elucidated in Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993) and National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). These documents reflect a fairly broad consensus within the science education community of what scientific knowledge students should be expected to learn as they progress through grades K–12.
Intended Audience: College/University Staff, Non-tenure track Faculty, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, K-12 administrators, Graduate Students, Informal Educators, K-12 teachers
Resource Type: Working Paper, Report
Framework for Leading Next Generation Science Standards Implementation
Framework for Leading Next Generation Science Standards Implementation Suggested Citation Stiles, K., Mundry, S., and DiRanna, K., (2017). Framework for Leading Next Generation Science Standards Implementation. ...
Intended Audience: Post-doctoral Fellows, Graduate Students, College/University Staff, Non-tenure track Faculty, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Policy Makers, Institution Administration, Government Agencies (federal, state, local), K-12 administrators, K-12 teachers
Resource Type: Book
Middle School Engineering Design
NGSS Middle school engineering design disciplinary core ideas matrix.
Intended Audience: College/University Staff, K-12 teachers
Resource Type: Book Section, Website