Initial Publication Date: August 16, 2021
Eastern Washington University
Eastern Washington University in Cheney, WA, is a driving force for the culture, economy, workforce and vitality of Washington state. Our graduates think critically and make meaningful contributions to both their career fields and their communities. EWU is the public university whose students, faculty, staff and alumni make profound and significant contributions to the economic and social vitality of the region.

NextGen STEM implementation at Eastern Washington University works most closely with the Education for Sustainability Working Group. We are focused on incorporating Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science and Engineering (and Technology if possible) into an Education for Sustainability framework for future K-12 teachers, and intentionally attending to how our practice impacts diversity. We also collaborate with the Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Engineering Integration Working Groups to help design changes in our program.
Metrics of successful implementation of NextGen STEM Teacher Preparation include.
By 2020: We will have a "badge" or "micro-credential" in Environmental and Sustainability Education available for students. This will involve examining existing courses that might help us meet our goals of having an Environmental and Sustainability Education experience for all education majors.
By 2025: We will have equitable implementation of Environmental and Sustainability Education for all education majors. Environmental and Sustainability Education will serve as a framework that includes Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science and Engineering (and Technology if possible).
Barriers and Strengths:
- changing advising practices, managing credit "creep" for students, and workload "creep" for faculty and staff, and how to fund the work of implementation.
- Our work aligns with Eastern's strategic plan and we leverage broader university support