Initial Publication Date: January 13, 2021

Explain: Would Life be Possible without Soil?

Educators may use these materials to develop lectures, student reading materials, or as resources for further investigations.
Now that students have engaged in multiple learning opportunities, take some time to review the questions and conclusions from the labs. Clarify the vocabulary and introductory concepts. Use the Know Soil, Know Life glossary to build vocabulary and understanding of soils. 
Reading alignment: KSKL pages 1-13

PPT files from SSSA International Year of Soils

Soil Basics (PPT) Soil Basics;
Why is soil important? (PPT) Why is soil important?
Soil Processes (PPT) Basic Soil Processes;

Video Clips

January: Soils Sustain Life Soils Sustain Life;
Soil: The secret ingredient The Secret Ingredient Note: this activity requires Flash.

Online Resources

BBC article: One amazing substance allowed life to thrive on land;
Soil Processes and Formation – University of British Columbia Soil Processes Website