Initial Publication Date: January 13, 2021

Engage: Soil and Survival

Phenomena: Soil is everywhere and is critical to life

Part A. Symphony of the Soil

Introduce the unit with the following 2-minute video trailer from Symphony of Soil
Time required: 15 minutes to show video trailer and complete discussion. 
Replay the clip as needed and look at the clues and the characteristics of the soil. 
Ask students to pair with a partner and discuss the following:

  • Share ideas about why soil is important to our survival.
  • List the services that soil provides 
    (e.g.building material, food, carbon sequestration, etc)
  • What does the narrator mean when he says soil is the interface between biology and geology?
  • Describe the scenes that impressed you the most.

After a few minutes, return to the larger group and ask the following: 
Essential Question: Will there always be enough arable soil to support everyone on Earth? 

Be sure to clarify the term arable Arable land is any land capable of being plowed and used to grow crops. with students. Keep the discussion open-ended. 

Part B. The Living Land

Display the Story Map: The Living Land on a large screen (or individual computers) and allow time (approximately 15 minutes) for students to read through the maps and graphics. This map is a great introduction/review of the fundamental "problem" is there enough land for everything? Once students have had a chance to view the Story Map return to the questions above and continue the discussion. 
Time required: 15 minutes