Elementary and Middle School (K-8) Activity Browse

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Life Science

Results 1 - 20 of 166 matches

Salmon Use of Geomorphically Restored Streams at Point Reyes National Seashore part of Pedagogy in Action:Partners:Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum:Geology of National Parks:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module/Geology of National Parks course. Students work with salmon-trace streambed data to study whether removal of a spawning run barrier was effective

Plant Pest Control part of Merlot Biology Pedagogic Collection:Teaching with Data:Examples
This learning experience introduces participants to scientific inquiry, hypothesis formation, experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation.

Investigating Starch in Foods part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a classroom experiment where students gather data on which foods contain starch. They use observation and develop their own hypothesis to create a question they would like to discover about starches.

Food Web and Chains Activity using Differentiated Tiering by Level of Challenge and Complexity part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
By using this tiered assignment students at different levels are able to review characteristics of living things by either creating a food web or food chart.

Scientific Observations: A Schoolyard BioBlitz part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a classroom and field activity where students learn about and practice scientific observations in the classroom and then complete a field activity by making and recording scientific observations on school grounds.

Investigating Photosynthesis: Discovering what plants need for photosynthesis part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
In this inquiry lab, students design and conduct simple experiments using elodea and Bromothymol blue to determine whether plants consume or release carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis. Students will record their data which will be used to conclude whether carbon dioxide was consumed or released by the elodea.

Plant Field Study: Adaptations of Plants for Survival in Different Environments part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This is a field investigation where students observe plants in a school forest setting . Students then compare adaptations of plants from different parts of the forest.

What are communicable diseases and how can we prevent some of them? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
Students will learn that microorganisms can get inside one's body and they may keep it from working properly. Students will learn that vaccinations help to prevent some diseases but not others.

Investigating simple plants part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
Students will observe simple plants, develop an investigable question, and form an investigation. They will document their investigation in their science notebooks.

Growing Lima Beans: Do We Really Need Dirt? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an indoor lab investigation where students compare and contrast different growing environments for a lima bean seed and discover the optimal conditions needed for growth.

Compare and Contrast deciduous and evergreen tree leaves to aid in tree identification part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity consists of classroom lessons where children observe tree leaves and compare and contrast those leaves leading to an understanding of the terms deciduous and evergreen (and also coniferous). They then use that learning to help them identify the kind of tree based on samples on a chart.

Investigating Osmosis using water and gummy bears part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a classroom lab where the students gather data on the affect water has on gummy bear candies and develops an experiment based on a new question regarding a not plain water solution. Students will perform calculations and graph their results.

Learning About Bird Migration part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a classroom introduction to bird migration. Students will acquire new vocabulary, sharpen their map skills, and discover the scientific reasons some birds migrate.

Investigative Case - Living in an Alkaline Environment part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Living in an Alkaline Environment is a three-part interactive activity that explores the ecology and diversity of life in alkaline environments.

Mystery Box Scientific Method Inquiry Lab part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
A lab activity that develops methods other than sight to collect information.

Investigating Biodiversity in your schoolyard part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
In this field lab students will investigate the biodiversity around their school. Students will perform a biodiversity count using transect line. The students will develop multiple hypotheses relating to biodiversity and propose additional procedures for studying, collecting and testing these questions.

The Five Senses - Differentiated Lesson for ESL/Special Needs Students part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This guided inquiry activity is designed to help students understand that people get all of their knowledge from their senses, and that is why our senses are so important.

Plant Science Inquiry: From Seed to Flower part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a first grade life science activity where the students practice inquiry skills by developing questions about seeds, planting them and noting details about how they change as they grow.

Investigating joints: Naming and identifying joints in the human body part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
Short Description: This activity is a classroom investigation of human joints. Students will identify joints and use their science notebooks to record their findings using drawings and words.

Ecology/Geography Classification part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection