Elementary and Middle School (K-8) Activity Browse
Resource Type: Activities
Subject Show all
- Atoms & Elements 9 matches
- Bonding & Molecules 17 matches
- Chemical & Physical Changes 15 matches
- Chemical Reactions 12 matches
- Electricity & Magnetism 29 matches
- Heat 13 matches
- Light 13 matches
- Matter & Mass 10 matches
- Mixtures, Solutions, & Compounds 13 matches
- Motion, Force, & Energy 59 matches
- Properties of Matter 38 matches
- Sound 14 matches
- States of Matter 29 matches
Physical Science
36 matches General/OtherResults 1 - 20 of 268 matches
Mentos and soda eruptions- lessons on explosive volcanic eruptions part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Teaching Materials Collection
Students participate in a popular experiment with Mentos candies and soda. This helps them learn about the scientific method, gas saturation, bubble nucleation, and explosive volcanic eruptions.
Metric System Conversions: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activity part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
This activity helps student learn to convert within the metric system and begin learning about process skill necessary for working in groups.
What makes things move? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an inquiry approach to teaching what force is. Students will learn what push, pull, gravity, and friction are.
Heat on the Move part of Earth and Space Science:Summer 2010:Activities
To introduce students to the concept that heat transfer via convection is more efficient then heat transfer via conduction.
Investigating Motion: What Causes Objects to Move? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a structured inquiry into why objects move and why some objects move farther than others. Students will make predictions on how far an object will move when blown on, blow on the objects, measure the distances they moved and record their findings.
Projectile Motion and Gravity part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a mini lab where students see the effects of gravity on objects falling from a resting state and objects projected out from the same level.
Atoms and Molecules part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
Both of these lessons are classroom activities that require students to build models that display understanding of atoms and molecules. One lesson is structured while the other is guided.
Light & Sound, Light Reflection Relay part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an experiment where students learn about angles of reflection and use that knowledge to reflect a light beam around obstacles to a target across the classroom.
Lab: Conservation of Mass part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This investigation is a lab where students find out if mass is created or destroyed in a closed system. Students will balance the chemical equation to re-enforce their findings.
Air Is Matter part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This is a series of investigations about air and its properties. How air exists all around us, and things it is capable of doing.
Modeling Valence Electrons part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a guided practice and scaffolding activity in which the students learn how to configure electrons of elements and determine the number of valence electrons.
Demonstrating Climate Change and the Water Cycle to Fifth Grade Students part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Teaching Materials Collection
Demonstration of the greenhouse effect and its role in climate change, discussion of the phases of water and the water cycle, and a hands-on experiment to investigate the role of temperature in phase changes of ...
The Waves and Tsunamis Project part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Teaching Materials Collection
How is a tsunami like a wave on a string? We assemble rubber bands, paper clips and washers into strings with various mass distributions to observe the effects on wave characteristics. The project is supplemented ...
Hot Wheelin' with Speed, Acceleration, and Data Graphs part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a lab investigation where students observe, record, and gather data on the speed, acceleration, constant speed, and average speed of toy cars. This activity allows for futher investigation of speed, time, and distance of objects to calculate speed and acceleration.
Investigating Matter: Identifying Properties and States of Matter part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a classroom lab in which students investigate and observe three types of balloons to help identify the states of matter and their properties.
Will the cup of water overflow when the ice melts? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an in-class experiment where students predict, observe, and summarize what will happen when ice melts in a cup of water.
Motion - Investigating Motion Graphs part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
In this activity students analyze the motion of a student walking across the room and predict, sketch, and test distance vs. time graphs and velocity vs. time graphs.
Dancing Raisins part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an entire-class lab experiment that refreshes the concepts of sinking and floating, while introducing the concepts of bouyancy and density using the fizz from sprite (carbon dioxide gas) and raisins.
Shrinky Dink Chemistry part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a hands-on activity where students learn about polymers and the science of plastics, while making shrinky dinks.
Radioactive Dating: Looking at Half-Lives Using M&Ms part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This is an activity that students will use M&Ms to gain a better understanding of radioactive dating and half-lives.