Initial Publication Date: March 3, 2014

Annual American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators

Now in its 19th year, ASMCUE gathers over 325 microbiology and biology educators from around the world for an interactive four-day conference. The meeting is typically held in May or June alternating between East and West Coast locales. Attendees gather to improve their teaching techniques, engage in teaching as a scholarly endeavor, and identify with a community. Topics include teaching, learning and assessment, classroom and independent student research, student advising and mentoring, graduate training and professional skills development, K-12 outreach, and community service.

Discipline: Microbiological and Biological Sciences

Workshop Leaders (PIs): 2012 – Chair, Jacqueline Washington, Nyack College, Nyack, NY; Vice Chair, Todd Primm, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Funding Source(s): Registration, exhibitors, sponsorship and ASM speaker fund subsidy

Cost per participant: ~$600/participant

Costs/Fees paid by the participants (or their home institutions): Registration fee: ASM members – $699.00; Nonmembers– $799.00

Target Audience: Microbiology and biology educators from colleges, universities and international institutions.

Typical Attendance: 350

Workshop Duration: Four days

When Offered: annually in May or June

Workshop website:

Program Description (Acrobat (PDF) 548kB Feb14 14)