Initial Publication Date: September 18, 2014

Linking Local and National Initiatives Workshop

September 25-26, 2014
Arlington, VA

ISSUES Final Report (Acrobat (PDF) 123kB Jul13 15)

This meeting will focus on the eight universities supported by the AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative, but the strategies developed should be applicable to other institutionally-based undergraduate STEM education initiatives. The goal of the meeting is to develop strategies to link faculty who attend professional development institutes and/or workshops hosted by professional societies to university-based STEM initiatives.

Meeting Agenda »

We want to leave the meeting with plans to build:

  • Linkages among fellow "alumni" of the faculty professional development workshops and institutes on the their campus (within and between departments)
  • Linkages to institutional efforts to improve undergraduate STEM education
  • Linkages to the leaders on their campus who are responsible for the campus's engagement in national multi-institutional projects aimed at improving STEM education.

Anticipated long-term impacts

  • Enhanced persistence if faculty workshop/institute alumni in implementing interactive egagement pedagogies (IAPs)
  • Stronger sustainability of institutionally-based undergraduate STEM initiatives
  • Mechanisms for providing additional personpwer, feedback, evaluation, etc. for institutionally-based STEM initiatives.