« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact through Informing Policymakers

How can we leverage ideas from this workshop to build our in-person workshop this fall? Who else needs to be in the room?  

Please add in your ideas for the in-person workshop and additional voices that should be included / contacted!


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Thinking "out loud" here. During our conversations, comparisons to NASA invariably arise. This can be helpful but also distracting. One area that I wonder if we might learn from NASA is in leveraging the constellation of folks that support the missions. This for NASA is huge and includes major players (General Dynamics?, Raytheon?) that have a vested interest in funding to support NASA efforts, and more. Could the folks behind the scenes of SOD likewise form an effective advocacy arm? I'm not sure it's feasible. There are big names that provide resources and technical support (Slumberger?), but many are multi-national so maybe this is not an option. NASA also has many geographic localities that are tied to the program explicitly so their citizens are vested in its success. This seems harder for SOD. Back to Carol's question: are there folks from SOD's various stakeholders that should be involved in the F2F workshop?


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« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact through Informing Policymakers